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Old Forum Static Overload for other exercises than squats?

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Level 2 Valued Member

I have done static floor presses/holding the bell on a vertical arm for 10s (GTG style-ish) with a heavier bell than what I train the TGU with to get used to the pressure on my forearm. It has felt good!

However, I recall (from reading "Beyond Bodybuilding") that after-effect overloads are strictly for power squatting. What I do is of course very different, since I don't do it prior to my training session, but still I wonder:

Is there an explanation to why my experiment is a bad idea or have I misinterpreted the book?

Many thanks!

/Henke in Sweden
Potentially useful.

The 'after effect' will almost definitely help squats more than anything else just due to the necessity of a walk-out (unless you are for some reason using a monolift) but heavy static holds/partials are a pretty time tested technique. Hand and thigh lift, overhead holds, bench lockouts, weighted bar hangs etc.

They'll probably help more if you have problems getting tight properly or feel that a weight is especially 'heavy' as soon as you pick it up.
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