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Old Forum Thoughts on our new standards

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Level 6 Valued Member
Senior Certified Instructor
Elite Certified Instructor
As Strongfirst quickly grows and more people get involved in our community of strength, I wanted to share some thoughts on our new standards and expectations.


First and foremost, the company name is Strongfirst. If strength training hasn't been a staple in your training diet then you might want to add that into the mix before attempting to certify in any of the courses. The standards are set high but are reasonable. If you don't plan on training for at least 6 months prior to a certification and you fail, it's your own fault. Sure, injuries happen but if you give yourself adequate time, you should be more than ready. If you have a nagging injury, get it fixed and start strength training. I love correctives as much as the next guy but if you move well and still can't press a 24k ( men :) ) then your corrective is pressing more.  Don't let your "weak link" be strength.


I will also add that we have some incredibly smart, talented and humble coaches in our community. If you need some help, just ask. I won't speak for everybody but I am pretty sure they will lend a hand if asked.

Finally, I will add that strength is not all physical. Below might be my favorite definition.


of great moral power, firmness, or courage: strong undertemptation.

Power to you!
Agreed on all points, Mike!

Question, though- What are the new standards?  I keep looking at the cert pages and they appear to be the same.  Am I missing something?  I'm up for recert in 2013...


The previous standards have changed a few times in the last 5 years. I was just commenting on how the new Strongfirst standards were tough but very fair.
I got ya, Mike.  I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something- there's a lot of changes going on right now!
Where can I see the bodyweight elements that will be tested and the standards for each test?
Brian (and others wondering the same thing), in case you missed it, Pavel answered that question on another thread.

"... there is only one strength/technique test: the one-arm/one-leg pushup for men; the one-arm pushup for women."
What are the general standards for the average person? ie half body weight press ala ETK. Just wondering what they would be for the more usual movements like the press, deadlift, pushups, pull ups, etc
I think Tamer posted this link earlier, but I'll do the same.


The strength requirements and tested standards for the Level I can be found by clicking this link:

Similar to the past, we will be teaching the Level I with two bell standards however.

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