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Old Forum Training schedule

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Level 4 Valued Member
I'm training with kettlebells for almost 1 year now.
I've bought the books "enter the kettlebell" and "bulletproof abs", and follow it in my training.
I've tried to prepare a training schedule based on both books, and was hoping if I could get some advice or confirmation if this programm is any good.
Please find below a brief overview of my programm:
The training programm consists of 3 days a week (low, medium and hard days), with each day the same excercises, however different intensities.
The programm looks like this:
- 3x 5 Full contact twist (30 kg load)
- 3x 3 Dragon flag negatives (building up reps, not yet able to do more)
- 2x 10 "around the body" with 32 kg kettlebell (warming up for kettlebell exercises)
- 2 minutes under the leg pass with 32 kg kettlebell (also warming up)
- Clean and press ladders with 24 kg, maximum at the moment 5 ladders of 4 rugs
- 10 minutes high pulls with 24 kg, maximum 200 on the hard days
Recently I've bought the 32 kg kettlebell, however I was not able to press this one yet on a test day.
Would you recommend to proceed with the above mentioned programm, and try again later, or would you change the programm for better improvement? (on the light days I thought to change the clean and press with get-ups with the 32kg bell).
Thanks in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Rob Hulsman
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