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Old Forum What can I expect from about 10 weeks of the ROP?

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Harry Westgate

Level 6 Valued Member
Certified Instructor
Hi everyone,

I recently purchased ETK and a 16kg and 24kg kettlebell, as I wanted to start learning the ways of the kettlebell, having built a foundation in strength training for the last 2/3 years, following primarily the Naked Warrior routine, but also PTTP from time to time.

I'm also an amateur boxer, now on the off-season until September (so no fights between now and then), and over the last 4 weeks or so I've been doing the Program Minimum (and I must say, I feel great for it, most noticeable improvements I've noticed being much more powerful glutes/hips and more ripped forearms), with a view to start on the ROP in about a week or two; I just want to get a little more comfortable performing snatches. Due to having no fights to prepare for in the near future, I should be able to strictly adhere to the ROP routine as written at least until September, after which I will probably have to shift some of the days around a bit as and when I have fights coming up (but no, I will not quit until putting up the ROP numbers!), so what I'm wondering is, what can I expect from following this program? I'm particularly curious as to what physiological changes I might experience, in terms of body composition, weight change, and so on.

As a point of reference, I'm 5'9", currently weigh 67kg, and am also trying to lose weight (ideally fat of course) gradually, with a view to get down to 64kg by February, when my university boxing championships are. Would the ROP likely help or hinder such weight loss? Or might I have to be extra cautious about my diet in order to avoid building too much muscle mass?

Any information people can provide from personal experiences would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!
When I started the program in January I noticed a few things. I got stronger in my overhead press and weighted chinups. My conditioning improved through the swings and snatches. I still have a ways to go before getting to my goals but there have definitely been improvement.

As far as looks. Hypertrophy in the delts, traps, lats, and upper back. Lost a little fat so abs are becoming more visible. Stronger looking forearms.


The ROP is a fantastic program that one can continually return to seemingly forever.  I second what Tyler observed.

The thing is this though,  you have to keep at it.  The program lasts until the goals are met:  1/2 body weight press and 200 snatches in ten minutes with a 24 kilo bell.  Once through it, which may take quite a while, one can always go through it again to refine techniques and/ or get through the ladders of C&Ps faster, snatch a heavier bell, etc.

Will it make you look like a bodybuilder, no.  Will it get you strong and we'll conditioned, yes as well as muscled in the right places, i.e. trimmer in the waist and strong looking shoulders.
I did 8 weeks of ROP using a 32 kg bell and the biggest visual change for me was my arms. I have always been strong, but my forearms have always looked pedestrian. But after a few weeks my forearms began to look fearsome and my biceps and triceps backed them up. I'm not sure how much of it was muscle hypertrophy or some fat disappearing. I also managed to lose about 6-7 pounds (but I was 295 lbs when I started). My shoulders changed too, but it is hard to describe what I saw.
Tyler, John, thanks for your replies, it sounds like I've got plenty to look forward to!

Did either of you notice any weight loss/gain (if you had weighed yourself before starting)?
Harry - I did ETK with a 16 when I was a newbie to kettlebells. It was part of a bigger picture for me, having not done kbs before and part of a strength and fat loss programme for my running at that time. I'm really looking forward to returning to it after the simple goal. I shed a lot of fat, also due to tending to my nutrition and got a lot stronger. I could eek out maybe 1 pull up at the start progressing to 50 on the heavy day, the remaining were one arm rows. I never tested my press as I had only the one bell at the time but did the full 5 ladder rep scheme when I struggled with 3 ladders at the start.  So, absolutely, it works very well as others have said. I never got bigger at all. Sure you will get results and enjoy it!!
Harry -- I've lost a little bit of weight, unintentionally lol. I think it's the program "leaning" me out. Before I started the ROP, I was trying to put on mass and gain weight. I got up to about 180. I'm 5' 10". Probably a little more fat than I needed... So since I've done the ROP, I've been dwindling down and I'm around 172-173 right now. I look a little more lean but with noticeable hypertrophy. My shoulders are definitely the main muscles to have been effected.
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