Kerstin Flocken

profilephoto01-0011G00000x9xD4QAII came across heavy weight lifting in 2015. Where I first started off a bit sceptical, I realized the benefits in this sport quite quickly. For me, who was always a light-weight, starting heavy lifting helped me sculpt my body. Also, I love being strong and having a healthy, well-functioning body in my daily life.

Kettlebells came into my life much later, when we had the first Corona lockdown. Out of desparation, I started using these little round iron friends and finally began to fall in love with them. Now I am happy to pass my knowledge on to people, that haven´t found their "sportive place" yet and to encourage them to go for more.
In 2022 I did my first Barbell certificate with Strong First and intend to do more :-)
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