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Kettlebell Where do I go from here?

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Level 4 Valued Member

I got a 16 kg kettlebell some time back. Started with S&S. Progressed a bit then fell off the wagon. Exercised really sporadically for a couple of months. Was looking for some program that I could start and finish during the ongoing lockdown (I live in India). Searched and found this: The Hybrid Power Conditioning Program. It is 3 times a week for 6 weeks. 10 swings EMOM. Light, medium and heavy days. Starts off with 10, 12, 14 minutes respectively. You add 2 minutes every week. So you end with 20, 22, 24 minutes of 10 swings EMOM in the 6th and final week I am entering the 5th week tomorrow.

My question is where do I go after completing this? I didn't achieve the S&S standards. Should I go back to it and complete it? Can we treat S&S as a baseline program? Something you come back to after trying something else? I mean, can I do the S&S program for say 6 or 12 weeks, then try out something else or maybe the same program with a bigger bell? Or should I try out some other programs like the manmaker from ETK or something similar?

In my, admittedly uninformed, view, I think going back to S&S once I am done with this program seems pretty reasonable. Obviously you cannot be in conditioning mode all the time. Maybe 6 or 12 weeks down the line, I will try out some other stuff.

In case it helps in answering the question - I am doing kettlebell presses on alternate days and working on single leg deadlifts - bodyweight only - since I cannot seem to nail the movement yet.

Any and all answers/criticism appreciated. Thanks in advance.
The advice seems to be pretty consistent. Achieve S&S first.

But like I tell my family, friends, and staff in terms of diet and exercise:

Do what you will do, not what you think you will do.
S&S can definitely be a baseline program you return to. I would do it for 12 weeks and see how it goes - if you do it by the book, my guess is that you’ll find yourself progressing for quite a long time. And then other possibilities open themselves up. But get that “Simple” strength first.
Thanks for the replies. S&S seems to be the consensus - especially considering that I have a lot of ground to cover. I have read about the DMPM. Excuse me if I am wrong, but there seems to be no progression built into it. S&S is what I will do. For at least 8 weeks, give or take. Then, if I am feeling bored, I might do some 6 week program and then come back to S&S. Thanks all.
Thanks for the replies. S&S seems to be the consensus - especially considering that I have a lot of ground to cover. I have read about the DMPM. Excuse me if I am wrong, but there seems to be no progression built into it. S&S is what I will do. For at least 8 weeks, give or take. Then, if I am feeling bored, I might do some 6 week program and then come back to S&S. Thanks all.

As far as progression. Let me give you an example. Few weeks back I choose to do clean and press to increase my pressing strength. First session I did 5 sets of 1 rep. Yesterday I did 5x2. That's progression. Now that I can do 5x2 I will work towards 5x3 etc .. and eventually 5x5. Progression does not need to be complicated. I will probably put my other movements at maintenance as for now. When the press is solid I will either progress my pull-ups to weighted. Step by step, exercise by exercise.

Good luck with S&S!
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