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military press

  1. Triple Tier Plan review

    It has been over 12 weeks since this 12 week program was posted to StrongFirst At the time I was planning to run Easy Muscle Schedule C, a program without military presses. My press was stagnant and I still wanted something...
  2. Not_JonB

    Kettlebell Military Press Program

    I hope all is well! Does anyone here have a military press program I could do with S&S on off days? Or a military press program I could use by itself? Would y’all recommend doing pull ups super settled with kettlebell military press? Thank y’all for your posts and advice in advance. Jon B
  3. Kettlebell Dry Fighting Weight Preflight

    Now that my shoulder is ready to press again my next goal of fat loss and the promise of not having to diet much makes Dry Fighting Weight a good program to try. Starting from 185 lbs now I would be ripped (or close to it) at 170. My maintenance...
  4. Other/Mixed Bent Press, Military Press, Parallel Bar Dips for a minimalist program?

    I'm looking for a general strength protocol with kettlebells made as simple as possible. I have already settled for snatches/swings for my conditioning, as I respect the individual benefits that they both bring, so I decided to rotate through them both. However, I'm not sure if the bent press...
  5. Kettlebell Increasing Weight for Military Press Without Buying More Kettlebells?

    Say I own both 32kg and 44kg kettlebells. I'm able to do 7 reps of the military press with the 32kg kettlebell and 0 reps using the 44kg bell. Without purchasing any new kettlebells, what's a strategy for getting that elusive rep of the military press using the 44kg kettlebell? Any advice or...
  6. Kettlebell KB MP press movement question

    Yes, I’m new to the forum. Yes, I did try to find this thread. Anyways, I love what I have learned here in this community thus far and cannot wait for the future. So, my question is about the MP KB press. Once racked, I have noticed the initial press phase results in a lazy “J” movement with...
  7. Kettlebell programming from 16kg to 24 kg press

    hello everyone , i have been training rite of passage with the 16kg bell for 12 weeks now, at 70kg on my heavy days ( to the limit ladders ) i am pressing upto 8 sets of (1,2,3,4,5) and performing swings with the 24 kg , but i somehow am still not able to make the jump to 24 kg ( only 2...
  8. Kettlebell ROP Variety day programing

    Hello everyone .. been doing the ROP Pprogram for 12 weeks now with the 16 kg bell in 12th week now Trying to incorporate the 24kg(heavy bell for me ).. have successfully introduced the 24 kg bell for first rung of ladders from last 4 weeks Trying to upgrade to the heavy bell now .. ETK...
  9. PaulAtreides

    Path to OHP&Pull-up the 48kg Beast and more

    Comrades, This is my first post here on Strongfirst, so I would like to share what I'm doing at the moment. I will try to update this log every 1-2 weeks. My stats on Day one 22y/o 173cm, 75kg, 15% body fat. Pull-up: ~13repMax, 3rm slightly more than 25kg at 75kg Bodyweight. Barbell OHP: 1rm...
  10. Kettlebell Bent press/side press question

    I was speaking with someone recently about how I was looking to learn the bent press & side press, and they commented that I would be better off just doing windmills and military presses because the bent press and side press are a case of "half-a#@" movements. Is there any truth to that, or was...
  11. Benjamin Renaud

    Barbell Kettlebell Military press or TGU with PTTP

    Hello, I started a PTTP deadlift cycle for the first time about 10-12 days ago. I did not for the time being include any type of pressing. I wanted to know if I could use the KB military press or TGU instead of the barbell side press. The main reason being that I want to train either one since...
  12. MikeMoran

    Kettlebell Janelle Pica - POWERFUL PRESSING book/program

    Check out this book. Powerful Pressing by Janelle Pica. At 5'4" she can press a pair of 28kg! There Is a Saying in Our Lifting Community: “Strength Has a Greater Purpose.” - Janelle Pica Program design itself looks fun and you won't be bored! I have read through it now twice and some point...
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