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Kettlebell S&S with a press


Level 5 Valued Member
I was wondering. For the S&S, can we replace TGU with a strict press?
Either waving, or step-loading.
For step-loading, we can do 5 sets of 3-5 reps, and gradually replace the bell per set, just like with TGU. And we can try to add reps, if they are below 5.
Just in case I will not be able to to the TGU at some point - this should work, right?
I think a Bent Press, Side Press or even a Windmill would be more similar to a TGU and would be easier on the knees as one gets older. The Military Press works the shoulder, but not the core like a TGU or the other things I mentioned.
If you want presses and swings there is a program that works.....RoP. Just do the swings S&S style
RoP is 3 days a week HLM program. It is a wonderful program, but calculating a % of volume within a certain time frame is more than I would like to do. I was wondering, if there is a simpler way to wave the swing, and to ditch the snatch.
RoP is 3 days a week HLM program. It is a wonderful program, but calculating a % of volume within a certain time frame is more than I would like to do. I was wondering, if there is a simpler way to wave the swing, and to ditch the snatch.
You can just roll the dice for duration and then do swing sets passing the talk test/stop signs (rest between sets until you can pass the talk test).

Example: Monday I rolled a 10 (minutes); I get 8 sets of 10. Wednesday I rolled a 6 (minutes); I get 4 sets. Friday I roll a 12 (minute); I get 10 sets.

You could even spice it up and add a third dice, so rather than 2-12 minutes it is 3-18 minutes...
Recently I have focused on single arm kettlebell press and 2H swings daily in an easy strength style progam- aim for 15-25 press and 50-100 swings. Waving the load on feel. The other human movements are covered in my warm up and throughout the workout in between sets etc- curls sitting in goblet squat position (squat) into marching with high knees holding the kettlebell in goblet position (loaded carry) then hanging from a bar (pull).
Best I've felt recently, haven't tested how much stronger I am yet but everything is feeling easy, movements are smooth and I feel 'stronger' after each workout. Very similar to the feel of S&S.
I have done snatches/swings and getups one day and then clean and press/push press on the other day

It would be more beneficial if you explain what your short, medium and long term goals are so we can give you better answers
What I'm about to embark upon soon... 3-4 days per week of S&S as written (I'm at 32+ kg) with 2-3 days per week of Iron Cardio.
The theory is that IC will give me the small pressing gains I'm looking for without taking away from the amazing results I get from S&S. EG work on some other KB skills while growing my GPP base to a high level...