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Kettlebell Where do you do your TGUs?

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Level 4 Valued Member
Good afternoon comrades. Inching very close to a 50%bw turkish getup, and plan to continue beyond. (My current kb is 5lbs heavier than half my bw). My options for venue are my garage floor (preferred, but not great, and currently cluttered with a project), my yard/grass (which form is notably less reliable with the absolute un-level ground), and the paved driveway (currently using, with open scabs on my knees and tops of feet). I refuse to lay anything down, such as a yoga mat, as I’ve tried this in the past and it inevitably moves, gets scrunched up, etc. I really considered the scabs and wear and tear just the cost of admission until others called me crazy for doing them on concrete. So. I will likely proceed as I am, but on what kind of surface do you guys do your TGU’s?
I'm blessed to have a indoor workout area with the industrial carpet. I also do them outside when I feel like it. Definitely makes me own the form better outside.
I do them in a dedicated workout/climbing gear room in my house.
I have two horse stall mats to protect the wood floors.

Outdoors on the sidewalk, I will use a yoga mat perpendicular to the body when you are lying down at the start and finish.
Horse stall mats (for me, in the garage) are definitely the way to go. Recommend a knee sleeve or wearing long pants though as the surface is pretty unforgiving if you do the "wiper move" (or whatever they call it) and don't want to tear holes in the skin over your kneecaps.
Home Depot and similar stores sell soft rubber mats about 4 X 6 feet that are easy to roll and carry. Nice for a gym floor and also portable.
I do own two horse mats and have used them for deadlifting. They have a harsh texture so it never occurred to me to use them for TGUs but it should be fine with long pants. Thanks for the ideas.
I do them in my living room but never even approach the thought of failure or dropping the weight.

If I was testing myself near failure, I'd go outside probably or to a friend's gym space.
In Australia we can get puzzle tiles quite cheaply from Hardware Shops (Bunnings) and SPecialist Rubber Shop (Clark Rubber). SPorts shops are a bit more expensive but more heavy duty. Easy to setup and tear down for storeage.

Can you scrounge a piece of old conveyor belt from somewhere any local factories, mines, processing plants ? Heavy and solid and definitely will not move or scrunch.
In Australia we can get puzzle tiles quite cheaply from Hardware Shops (Bunnings) and SPecialist Rubber Shop (Clark Rubber). SPorts shops are a bit more expensive but more heavy duty. Easy to setup and tear down for storeage.

Can you scrounge a piece of old conveyor belt from somewhere any local factories, mines, processing plants ? Heavy and solid and definitely will not move or scrunch.
Do you have some of the puzzle tiles from Bunnings? If so, have you used them for swings and getups? I've got a 1x1m rubber tile but can't find an identical mate for it, if the puzzle tiles are decent I might just yet them
Do you have some of the puzzle tiles from Bunnings? If so, have you used them for swings and getups? I've got a 1x1m rubber tile but can't find an identical mate for it, if the puzzle tiles are decent I might just yet them
I've seen them in Bunnings but bought mine from Clark Rubber, I've also seen them in Aldi.

Both Clark Rubber and Bunnings have very cheap and better quality mats. I bought the cheapest from Clark Rubber and use them for swings and getups

Ebay sometimes has slightly tougher ones for $1 each from Gyms that have closed down - worth a search.

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As many have said, horse stall mats are key to any home gym. They will rough up your knees though, which it why I tend to only do TGUs in the winter when I’m working out in sweat pants. I’ve thought about looking for a lightweight knee sleeve to wear with shorts just to solve the friction issue during the hot months.
Horse stall mats are good value. some of the auto shops sell a light weight rubberised mat to go on auto-garage floors and that can work out ok. I have a carpet mat on a wooden floor and that does the trick.

The knee sleeve or lightweight construction knee guards with velcro on off attachments are another approach. I had a (nonTGU!) cut on knee at one point and got some of those for that. I used to have an ultra heavy pair of fabric tracksuit pants that provided my knees a bit of padding when TGUing on just wood floor, it lasted for many years but got worn out.... may be partly due to TGUs?

There is also a variant of the TGU where you pivot the body rather than the knee. Best to watch how this is done onlearn this with a lightweight kbell and to get used to it before going heavy though. link below to an article:
Yes, You Can: A Knee-Friendly Alternative to the Get-up's Windshield Wiper | StrongFirst
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