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Nutrition PB and J sandwich

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In France, brioche is pretty famous, with salted butter and marmelade.

Otherwise, brioche and foie-gras ! :)

Kind regards,

my local WF started selling a brioche line imported from France a few years ago- now they sell brioche hamburger buns, hot dog rolls, and some sweeter versions, like cinnamon swirl and chocolate swirl. Not quite as good as homemade or from a good bakery, but well worth it for an occasional treat. Brioche makes great French toast, too. It's not difficult to make- you just have to start the evening before you want it.

Another good bakery item is cake cooked in Euro style- genoise. Sometimes called jellyroll in US. One of my favs has only 125g each of flour and sugar, with 4 eggs, no chemical leaveners.
Roulade with Banana, Rum and Brown Sugar Cream – José Pizarro

ps- good with fresh berries or other fruit as filling, too. I put some Kerrygold on my PB&J just a minute ago...will check it out in a few hours....
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Hmmm, maybe I'll have Brioche French Toast topped with peanut butter and bananas. That should be a good start to cheat day.

4 slices:
- Brioche with onion chutney + foie gras
- Brioche with fig chutney+ foie gras
- Brioche with PB
- Brioche with salted better and marmelade
...everything organic & home made :)

Kind regards,

When it comes to easy and clean carbs, I really like finely grounded oats. It's really easy to put 100 grams into half a litre of water and drink it down all at once. If I ate it as porridge, it would take ages, and I don't really like porridge. It's also easily combined with whey protein. With the whey it's a real meal supplement that is really healthy, really easy to take with you, really filling and really fast to eat.
Tried this today but used almond milk instead of water (figured it'd taste better). It was good but not great. Will try throwing PB, ice and berries next time. Going for that carby ice cream smoothie.

That should help meet some of the carbs.
Love this thread, pb & B sandwiches are awesome .....can't wait for the 'Beer makes you stronger' thread;)

Seems hard to believe but Saxon reportedly drank upwards of 50 bottles of beer a day. I wouldn't advise it though :)

According to his brother Kurt the following was a typical days worth of calories. Also hard to believe considering he had a body weight of 200lbs.
3lbs smoked bacon
Porridge with honey and cream
24 eggs
Tea (with lots of sugar)

10lbs meat
Fruit and vegetables
Cakes and Puddings
cocoa with whipped cream

Cold meat
Cheese and butter
@305pelusa, I have been eating about 80% of my calories from fruit carbs for the last 2.5 years. I have eaten as much as 3000 calories of raw fruits in a day no problem.

You can do a smoothie of the following:

- 5 to 8 oranges. Make sure you put the pulp in the blender.

- 3 to 5 bananas. Make sure they are very ripe. To the point you wouldn't want to chew it, but goes fine in a smoothie.

- you can include a lot of spinach. I mean a lot, as much as you want. It turns to be very creamy after mixing, and the taste is great and very mild, not so different from an orange-banana smoothie. This way you have your quota of greens for the day. More greens you can ever eat in salads.

This way you get 500-800 calories of clean, natural, unprocessed carbs, with its natural fiber, and also a liter of natural water in your system.

If you want to lose weight, you can replace any given meal by this (except dinner). If you want to gain weight, you can drink it mid morning, or as breakfast and then it your normal breakfast mid morning.

It probably tastes funny when you read it, but you'll be amazed how good it is. If mixing spinach sounds weird, just add a bunch of leafs in a small smoothie and you will notice it doesn't change the taste.
@Oscar : Thanks for the reply.

The issue with fruits is what I mentioned before:
But carbs, as long as you aren't cramming tons of sugar, can be tough to meet.

It's pretty easy to meet carb goals with simple carbs (fructose and sucrose). Bananas actually have similar levels of sugar as a coca cola, and others (like grapes) are even higher.

Simple carbs are not ideal for body composition. They release huge spikes of insulin, so they usually just get metabolized as fat. Complex carbs, like pasta/bread/oats/etc release much slower, but steadier levels of insulin. Excellent for muscle building without the unwanted insulin insensitivity.

I should mention this is exactly why "juicing" practices don't lead to weight loss. In one simple "juice", a person might cram like 100 grams of sugar in one shot (~400 calories).

Obviously fruits are better than straight up sugar. They have plenty of vitamins and fructose (which is good for you). But I try to keep fruits on the lower side, enough to stay healthy but not any more than that. The more carbs I can get from complex sources, the better results.

The PB&J pushes it with the jelly, so it's good to follow Dan John's advice. Try to get a jelly with the least amount of sugar. The more carbs can come from the bread itself, the better.
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