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block traiing

  1. WarrenEllis

    ETK-ROP "Russian block training" thoughts and suggestions

    Hello all. ETK mentions block training, ROKB prescribes it. I'd like to do a round of ROP with block training, as I want to continue barbell deadlift and squat practice , but I would also like to reserve my "off days" for mobility work. For those unfamiliar, "Russian block training" refers...
  2. DavThew

    Kettlebell Two months into block training

    I have spent the last year rehabbing from ilopsoal tendinosis which left me with an extremely sore and limited right hip and bad lower back. I'm back to being pain free most of the time, which is fantastic. Over the last 8 weeks I have been doing a block training program which is a hodgepodge of...
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