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  1. Zagor

    Bodyweight Spanish Squats, does someone knows a routine to follow?

    Hi, guys! actually I'm searching ways to strengthen my knees, and a guy here in the forum recommended me the Spanish Squats. So, I went to search more about them and they are exactly what I need now! But I can't find any routine with them that can I base myself off. So if someone does know a...
  2. Abishai

    Bodyweight Getting big on Bodyweight

    This deserves its thread.... so here we go. Can you use a bodyweight approach for adding mass and how big can you get? I went from 138lbs to 165lbs at the height of 5'7 in 3 years. I ate 90gs of protein per day and didn't try especially hard to add the mass. I am sure if I emphasized mass more...
  3. getthe1620

    Bodyweight Questioning about HSPU & Press Carryover

    Hi. I have a question :) I'm curious about how much the strength gained from OAP and HSPU would be useful in the press without specifically training for the KB MP. After recently obtaining my SFB certification, I have been continuing to practice OAP and wall-supported HSPU. When I became...
  4. Carl

    Bodyweight Step Loading for Bodyweight?

    I was re-reading Simple and Sinister’s chapter on step-loading, it occurred to me my own (mostly) calisthenics based training has moved in this direction. An example: Most pull up programmes (as written), are too much volume for me and my joints complain, so I end up modifiying. I’ve learned...
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