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  1. Daily dose - what next?

    Hi everyone, New to the strong first community here. I have just finished a second round of Daily Dose Deadlifts. It was awesome. I have a bar and plates at home but nothing else. I really enjoy training every day and want to keep a programme like this going. My question is would it be worth...
  2. Barbell On deadlifting frequency and safety tips in Easy Strength programs.

    So far, the begginner strength programs I found about only recommended deadlifting once a week, rarely twice, and sometimes even on their own day. Yet the Easy Strength program I'm following prescribes doing every move every day. At first, I did not question it, but I'm already starting to feel...
  3. Yemout

    Barbell Balancing the Daily Dose Deadlift plan with other strength training

    I'm in the test week of the 5TRM back squat programme, and intending to start the Daily Dose Deadlift plan next week. I'm wondering how best to balance the rest of my training with the programme. At the moment I'm lifting 3 days a week – squats every session (as per the 5TRM programme) followed...
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