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#simple and sinister

  1. Kettlebell form check

    I know basic guidelines to perform the swing but I was wondering if I was doing something wrong unconsciously and was not performing correctly. Here is the video so please review and give me advice whether it is correct or not, any help is appreciated. 16kg Doing S&S , novice. 2nd week of step...
  2. Heart Rate Question

    Hey, all. I've been using my heart rate monitor in lieu of talk tests for pacing both my S&S & AXE workouts. I like the precision. Anyway, my question relates to the threshold to which I should abide. What I mean is this: 180-my age puts me around 130 BPM. In my workouts, do I need to keep...
  3. Pavel.Kosenkov

    Kettlebell Injuries on S&S

    Guy, a quick question. If this thread should be moved to an appropriate place, please do so. This is my first post. I was wondering how to deal with injuries on S&S program. This looks like overuse, I am already applying some strategies, but I wonder what is the general advice. My body weight...
  4. Carl

    Bodyweight Step Loading for Bodyweight?

    I was re-reading Simple and Sinister’s chapter on step-loading, it occurred to me my own (mostly) calisthenics based training has moved in this direction. An example: Most pull up programmes (as written), are too much volume for me and my joints complain, so I end up modifiying. I’ve learned...
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