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Old Forum A big thank you to the SF community

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Level 8 Valued Member
A big thank  you to the SF community.

I came onto the forum sometime ago asking for advice regarding my goal.

I'm a Police Officer with a business and family to look after.

My goal was to train for SWAT selection.

I successfully completed the selection recently - and I really couldn't have done it better with shift work and limited training time.

Thank you for reminding me about simplicity of exercise choice,  and about Moderation and consistency being more important than intensity.

The last 4-5 months of training has re-enforced those key aspects and I really appreciate everyone who gave such sensible and wise advice - thank you all!

Good training - and good health!


Congratulations to you! That is a fantastic accomplishment. What did you end up deciding on for training?
Thank you Mike!

Andy I went with:

Pack march once per week (increasing the load having built time on feet to two hours)

Swim drills and practice once per week

Run twice per week - breathing through nose, minimalistic shoes

KB/ BW drills once/ twice per week - RKBS, TGU, Weighted pull up, Press and squat (either goblet or pistol)

When I was tired I defaulted to RKBS and TGU with about 75-100 reps swings (in small sets 10-20 reps) and 8-12 TGU total.

The testing day was 21 hours long and the training allowed me to exceed all of my targets except one... the pack march.

I had a bad gut parasite which meant I didn't train for 2 weeks immediately prior to the selection and ate about 2 meals in the 7 days before it.

You can fake short events when sick, even up to an hour long... but at 90min + you can't hide from having been ill!

Still, I passed all the required tests. Obstacle course and rope climb etc piece of cake with the strength training/ KB work.

If I were to change anything I would do just swings, TGU and weighted pull ups with goblet squat as part of a warm up.

oh and focus more on the run/march endurance work for the next round of testing....

Hindsight is great!
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