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Kettlebell Abs during swings

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Level 5 Valued Member
Is it right to keep the abs tight throughout the swing? I know to tense at the plank, but I think that keeping tight throughout can protect the lower back. Does this hinder the swing?
Is it right to keep the abs tight throughout the swing? I know to tense at the plank, but I think that keeping tight throughout can protect the lower back. Does this hinder the swing?

"Keeping The Abs Tight​

1) You are not going to maintain maximum abdominal tension throughout a swing.

2) Trying to maintain maximum abdominal tension throughout a swing or a plank isn't optimal for maximizing force production for Strength or Power.

The Principles of Contract-Relax-Contract

Research by Dr Stu McGill has demonstrated the this method allows greater force to be produced.

The following article specifically addresses your question on swings...

Tip: 3 Little-Known Ways to Improve Athleticism

The kettlebell swing can be used for developing the skill of pulsing contraction followed by rapid relaxation. Here's how:
  • A burst of energy or "pulse" is used to begin the swing.
  • Once the swing is around chest height, rapid relaxation must occur to re-hinge the hips and guide the kettlebell back between the legs.
  • Another pulsed contraction is used to start the beginning of the next swing.
  • Then the kettlebell swings go in a continuous cycle of turning on and turning off certain musculature in the right sequence to create pulsing contractions. That develops the ability to produce power.
Plank Pulsing

This addresses Plank Pulsing.
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At first it feels safest to stay somewhat contracted throughout, and that's fine, but it makes your movement a little awkward. As you get more confident and practiced with the swing, you are able to relax more when unloaded, mostly in the middle part of the downswing, as @Kenny Croxdale described. But you always want contract hard when you are loaded, from the start of the upswing and into the standing plank. The greatest athletes know how to contract hard and relax fast. That's what makes their movements so skilled, fluid, and strong.
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