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Old Forum Adding hip-thrusts

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Level 1 Valued Member

Was wondering if anyone had any ideas on how to incorporate hip-thrusts into my current program, and wether it will result in greater gains or just take away from my recovery. Considering that I already am doing swings, im not sure wether or not it would be beneficial.

My current program looks like this:


Heavy deads

Heavy swings

Rack-pulls w fat-gripz 3x3 (90-95%)



Light deads (40-60% of 1RM)

Heavy swings

Rack-pulls w fat-gripz 3x3 (90-95%)
My main goals are

1. To increase sprinting speed and general lower body power

2. To increase grip strenght for rock-climbing

For the DL's I was thinking about using something similar to the 5x5 plan you described in your article at tim's blog.
Martin, I would keep it simple and follow Barry Ross' DL programming for sprinters.

Fat grips are not optimal for climbing grip.  Kettlebell snatches are much better for contact strength.
Thanks for the responses btw, I hope I doesn't come across as one of the bazillion other people you probably have answered questions for, and who then after you responds just keeps on going with more and more questions.

The fact that you are acctually responding means a lot to me, as you are basickly the boss when it comes to strenght development for sport and with minimal muscle gain.

Having read "easy strenght" by you and dan, clearly you know your stuff.

If you say KB-snatches are better for contact strenght then I will do snatches.

Only question remaining is how to incorporate them in barry's program.

Promise to not ask any more questions after this
Martin, if you are doing snatches for contact strength, use a moderately heavy weight (you can snatch it 2o times with one arm before your grip goes out) and do overspeed eccentric (accelerate the kettlebell on the way dow) snatches for sets of 10.  Try 3x10 per arm twice a week.  Rest a lot between sets.
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