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Off-Topic Anatomy of the hip area

BJJ Shawn

Level 6 Valued Member
Good Morning,

I am not looking for or expecting treatment, just looking for information from those that may be knowledgable in these things. This morning during my last set of split squats, I had a pop come from my left hip crease directly in the front of my leg, and what felt like a rubber band break. It immediately swole up I stopped right away.

What runs through there? There is no pain in my quad, and I can lift my leg up fine, but when my leg extends like in the back stride of a walk it is very painful. Are there any ligaments that attach near the hip crease on the front of the leg? Can ligaments ever heal themselves, or if something is torn does it always require surgery?
There is a long muscle called the PSOAS muscle. That gets very tight on a lot of people. It causes me much pain. Not sure if that is it, but it sounds like it.
Well, I'm glad you asked the question and I'm interested in any information on this topic.

I have a similar issue but of a less severe nature. For me, too, it started with split squats. I didn't notice anything at the time, but I'm reasonably sure that's what brought it on, as it's something recently added to my training, and it seemed to start about the time of my 2nd session of them.

Like you, I feel it in the front of the left hip when walking and the left leg is extended (behind). So I end up taking a bit of a short step. Hip flexor stretches don't seem to do much.

For me it's really pretty minor and hasn't limited any of my training. But it's been, say a 2 on a scale of 1 to 10, for about 3 weeks now. Hoping it resolves soon. And I hope yours does as well!
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