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Level 5 Valued Member
I haven't been training with kettlebells very much for last year and a half or so, for various reasons.  One of which was I had loaned out my two 16 kg bells and they never made their way back home.  When I found this site the other day I ordered two more, they came quickly, and I am back to training with kettlebells.  I have 5 more heavier ones, but due to some shoulder issues the 16's are really where I need to be.  There are few things that are as immediately satisfying as kettlebell training.


TKD is good, not training as much as I should due to teaching but it's going pretty well.  I have to find a way to balance my time and training so I can do a little more TKD.  I need to test for rank again but just don't feel like I am ready, so I am hoping to get my a#@ in gear and test this summer.  Thanks for asking!!



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