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Old Forum Becoming Greystoke

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Hello Everyone,

I'm a noob to the site, but thank God I finally ended up here! I've been studying and using KB's for the good part of 2 years now and still feel so new to the most amazing tool the fitness world has seen.. So I am excited to expand my knowledge! I also have 4+ years on lifting and BW calisthenics.

I'm starting a new fitness journey, one which will take me from my current lvl, which I have dubbed "Wolflean" (It's a coined phrase from the author David Gemmell in describing his 'warrior' esque characters and something of a physique that I have strived to get these past 24 months of training) to "Greystoke".

For anyone who does not know, Greystoke is the surname of John Clayton aka Tarzan. And if you know who Tarzan is, then you know he was a BEAST!

This is the physique that I am striving for nowadays; something strong, powerful, and yet graceful at the same time. (Plus, keeping my wife googly eyed on a regular!)

I figured the way to do this would be extensive BW workouts combined with the almighty kettlebell… And then I stumbled upon StrongFirst. I instantly get excited that you guys offer a BW cert, which I will one day be taking as soon as it’s in my area. And in the description, it talks about the “power” moves with body weight:

The Push: one-arm/one-leg pushup, wall supported handstand pushup
The Pull: tactical pullup, hanging leg raise, front lever
The Squat: pistol

So, I figured I would structure a program around these BW “power” moves plus kettlebells. (I am an avid believer in fitness minimalism, so my whole program will be within the realm of minimalism.) What I would like for anyone wanting to chime in, including Mr. Pavel, himself, is to critique me as you see fit. I’m not a personal trainer, but it is a lifelong dream of mine to get certified and help change the world for the better. I want to help people achieve their level of fitness along with creating healthy ways to eat, move, and live. And, if you are a Father/Dad like me, you want to keep up with the kiddos wind, rain, snow or shine!

Right now, my current stats are:

Age: 26

Height: 6’2

Weight: 185lbs @ 7.7% BF

My goals:

-          I want to stay under 8% but gain 5-10lbs of muscle. Considering my height, I shouldn’t have any issues maintaining the weight gain.

Specific goals would include:

-          Hit 10 HSPU’s in a row without form faltering. Currently at 5 reps

-          5 full range pistols on each leg. Currently at 1 on the right, half of 1 on the left

-          Perform a front lever. I don’t have the strength right now to attempt one, but not for long!

-          Perform a muscle-up. Currently working on progressions- a full, un-assisted one still eludes me

-          Perform an OA/OLPU. Currently at 0-working on archer push-ups off the kettlebell

My long term time frame to complete most of these is 12 months, but obviously I would like to achieve them sooner. Anywho, here is what I have so far. Please feel free to ridicule, trash, and praise the program as I consider myself a beginner in programming:

Day 1:

Archer push-ups 2-3-5-2-3-5

Weighted pull-up 2-3-5-2-3-5

Bench pistols 2-3-5-2-3-5

TGU’s 2-3-5-2-3-5 (each side)

HLR 2-3-5-2-3-5

*KB Metcon after strength session*

Day 2:

HSPU 2-3-5-2-3-5

MU-assisted 2-3-5-2-3-5

Bench Pistols 2-3-5-2-3-5

TGU’s 2-3-5-2-3-5

HLR 2-3-5-2-3-5

Day 3:

Active recovery/Primal movements: Hand balancing, crawling (quadruped), walking, running, climbing, etc

Day 4:

Same as Day 1

Day 5:

Same as Day 2

Day 6:

Active recovery/Primal movements: Hand balancing, crawling (quadruped), walking, running, climbing, etc

Day 7:

Active recovery/Primal movements: Hand balancing, crawling (quadruped), walking, running, climbing, etc

I will also be sprinting at least 1x a week. I will replace a KB metcon for this or take a separate day entirely. But there it is, all laid out for public viewing!

Once again, please feel free to criticize however you see fit, as I am here to learn from the best!

Thanks, Mark! Good to be here, sir!

I wanted to add that I am also doing 300 swings a day as part of Pat Flynn, owner of Chronicles of Strength :)

...Gotta love kettlebells, huh?!

Personally I work out 3 days a week. I warmup everyday with joint mobility, SS warmup with jump rope, foam roll, and 10 TGU (these I move up and down in weight depending. My days rotate around:

Day 1: HSPU defecit for 5 sets alternating every other day with Bench and weighted pull-ups. Then I do the 5.11 App swing and squat, moving up each time. Currently using the 24kg.

Day 2: HSPU or Bench pull-ups with pistols. FInish with another app wod.

Day 3: Same. I have been using this for a few weeks and really like it.

This allows me to work on strength, keep pretty good conditioning and have a life.

The other days I usually rest until Sat and then it is usually a ruck/or run.

I use the TGU as part of my warmup and occasionally work all 10 w/the 32 to 44kg.
That sounds legit, Matt, I like how simple your routine is.  That's the whole idea is to find something simple yet highly effective.

The nice thing is is I have a few kettlebells and a pull-up bar so a lot of my workouts are done in the confides of my home
That is awesome Ryan. I do the same thing at home. Its the only way to go. It took me a while to add the equipment I wanted but it was worth it. I call it a investment in life and I hate most gyms and monthly payments.
Matt, I completely concur sir, convienance is the best thing to pay for! Does it suck that you have to spend $80 on a 45lb kettlebell, yes, but how long will that bad boy last? Forever? Longer? Lol. I have 2 35 pounders, 1x 45lb and 1x 53lb. Plus a 20-lb weight vest and my pull-up bar.. Not a bad little collection if I do say so myself :)

Day 2.. Well, day 2 will have to be tomorrow since I had to work late and meet up with my dad and step mom to celebrate their bday.. But I've been eating clean all day, so that helps! I may do some HSPU's and pullups when I get home and my food settles lol.

I found some cool pics of Tarzan that I printed out for motivation.. I might upload them on here so you guys can see what I'm working towards!

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