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Old Forum Big PR's recently, closing in on Master Of Sport!

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Pol Mac Giolla Rua

Level 2 Valued Member
Haven't recorded anything in a while but that doesn't mean I haven't been working on it :) I'm currently training for a GS snatch only competition that has a 5 min time limit. It's due for the first of December and will be my second such contest meet of this kind this year. The last one I was going great guns before tearing my palm and losing grip of the kettlebell, thus being disqualified. My best in training before that meet was 32 reps left 34 reps right with a 32kg kettlebell for a total of 66 reps one hand switch in less than 5 mins. I weighed in for this comp, officially at 73kg or 160lbs bang on, this was on the 9th of July this year. I'm probably gonna weigh in this time at about 175lbs lol! I've been training quite consistently and eating everything not nailed down, what ever I want when want it. Body fat still single digits. A recent workout saw me do an all out killer set of 55/55 or 110 reps total with a 28kg bell this was a Huge PR for me as my previous best on a similar effort before the last comp with this weight was 40/40 or 80 reps total. Then, the other day, I did a quite comfortable set of 40/40 or 80 reps total with the 32kg kb, for a smooth 16 rep PR, in roughly the same time period as before, only this time it was easier than the 66 reps was last time! I plan on hitting 50/50 with the 32kg kb . . . Hopefully . . . Within 5 mins, before this next comp in 3 weeks. Also, for the future, I have my eye set on hitting 55/55 with the 32 as, according to the WKC, this would be master of sport numbers for my weight class (I'm walking around effortlessly at about 170ish, and would cut to 165 to make the attempt). But . . . . That's not all :)!  8 days latter I'm competing in the British Push/Pull Championships where I hope to bench press 400lbs and pull 600lbs.  You see, I've noticed something very curious, yet obvious.  We've all bore witness the KB what da hell effect on the DL among many other things (I myself have personally trained dozens of people who weighed well under 200lbs who pulled 400lbs on there first attempt after several weeks of KB swings) but, it also works the other way around . . . BIG time! As you've now guessed, I've been simultaneously training for a GS comp AND a major powerlifting meet!  The squats and deadlifts have DEFINITELY had a very positive impact on the snatches, without question, and a no I said no video, but here's something interesting, below is a video of my FIRST snatch workout since the 9th of July comp, I had only been doing powerlifting style training for a number of weeks before this, no snatching at all, yet this was a 10 rep (in total) PR with this weight right of the bat!  "Be what ever you want to be . . . But be Strong First" well, I've brought quite a big "jar" to the table and since this video below I've been filling it with snatch specific power endurance as well . . .  I believe if I retested with this weight in the morning I'd score another 10 - 20 rep PR ( also, my fixation at the top of the reps and overall form/condition in general is far better now than it was here, plus, I tore my hand here, that wouldn't happen anymore either ;-)   Anyway that's it, back to training for me, thanks for reading. Pol.
That's absolutely phenomenal. 400/600 in a push-pull, at 170, and master of sport snatch numbers simultaneously would be a tremendous achievement.

I believe there are several top GS lifters who are also competitive powerlifters; igor morozov and denis vasiliev being particularly notable examples.

You may henceforth assume that I follow each post with a 21 gun salute accompanied with near-naked cheerleaders with pink pompoms.
Great numbers!  Congratulations!  May I offer you a suggestion?  You are approaching the MS numbers in the snatch, according to WKC.  Of course, snatch is only half of the biathlon event.  Hitting MS numbers in the snatch is a great accomplishment, but in WKC, it's all anecdotal without the jerk.  There is an organization  which offers MS rank in the snatch as a single event (along with four other events).  Further, you can test by video.  I'm a member of USA Kettlebell Lifting/International Kettlebell Lifting, based out of Denver, Colorado. It's a GS organization run by Nico Rithner.  Video submissions up to CMS are graded by Nico, and MS rank attempts are judged by a panel of judges.   You can check out their ranking standards and rules at  I've ranked in several lifts with this organization up to CMS, and have been very pleased with their ranking structure and customer service.  If you can hit the numbers, why not get the rank?


Full Disclosure: I'm an instructor for this group, and assist in curriculum development as well.  I don't get paid when people rank, but I believe in the fair, apolitical way they run the show.
Rambodoc, lol! Thanks for that, especially the cheerleaders lol!

Steve, thanks for posting that, I will look into it.

Journeyman, thanks for the kind words, I looked those two guys up . . . Holy moly they are scary good!

Chief, thanks very much, I'm honoured you think so!
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