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Black goo


Level 1 Valued Member
Hi StrongFirst, first post here. Was doing an endurance snatch protocol at my local gym. 50 sets of one handed snatches. On set 46, I couldn’t open my hands. There was a weird black goo that seemed like it was coming from inside the pores on my hands. I stretched out my hand and had to kind of scrape / brush the goo out of my pores.

I noticed it on both hands on the same set. Even though I was doing one handed snatches. On set 49 and 50 I ripped the skin off my hands because they were sticky from the goo. Not on my callouses. Just kind of in random places.

I was worried my form was bad because why would they show up there on my hands? but also my hands felt like I had tree sap on them.

I was using a cheapo - not cast iron - kettlebell at my local rec center. Perhaps the paint reacted in a funny way? I was also using a liquid chalk from Walmart. Maybe I just detoxed? Paranormal encounter with the black goo? It was strange.

Has anybody encountered this? I feel vaguely manlier now.


Sorry, I don’t have a picture of the goo, just of the skin coming off
Happened to a buddy of mine too.. turned out it was his soul leaving his body


We always hold a memorial snatch workout every year in his honour and I’d be happy to add you to that list
I’m not sure if I should feel bad or laugh at this
Maybe put the bell in the dishwasher?

Sounds like liquid chalk may be the culprit
my PB bells did this same thing after some heavy use of liquid chalk.
"doing an endurance snatch protocol at my local gym"
It is to be expected that you did not do a comprehensive visual inspection of the bells that you used. The black goo either came from bell finish or may have been added to by a previous user (yuck). Things like chalk and your skin and possibly fluid from burst blisters or sweaty hands may have also be involved. Some chalks have resin in them and that might have contributed too.
In years past, I seem to remember quite a few posts with pics of comrades completely grinding/sanding the finish off of their kettlebell handles. My set of 24's has a somewhat sticky and slick powder coat finish, that gets a little stickier with sweaty hands and no chalk, liquid or dry. My 16's and 20 kg's have a more raw metallic finish.
Continuing with high-rep snatches, when you can feel the impending tears to your hands never made much sense to me.
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