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Recommendations/Reviews/FS/WTB Body fat measurement device

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I use a tape measure with a scale and average out 3 formulas over time. Using any one formula once might be quite inaccurate. But tracking all three over a long period of time becomes accurate within itself. This method also happens to be real cheap. I take the measurements once per week. In the same excel sheet I also record Hip:Waist ratio, blood pressure, RHR

The formulas and what you measure...
All measurements are in POUNDS and INCHES
Department of Defense/Navymalebody fat =86.01*LOG10(waist-neck)-70.041*LOG10(height)+36.76
femalebody fat =163.205*LOG10(waist+hip-neck)-97.684*LOG10(height)-78.387
YMCA Formulasmalebody fat =100*(4.15*waist-0.082*weight-98.42)/weight
femalebody fat =100*(4.15*waist-0.082*weight-76.76)/weight
Covert Baileymalebody fat = waist+(0.5 *hips)-(3*forearm)-wrist
male31+yrsbody fat = waist+(0.5 *hips)-(2.7*forearm)-wrist
femalebody fat =hips+(0.8*thigh)-(2*calf)-wrist
female31+yrsbody fat =hips+thigh-(2*calf)-wrist
Penrose, Nelson, and Fishe (I no longer use this)malebody fat =100*(weight-(38.14+0.8995*weight-0.6135*age-0.005889*age*age+.9978*height-3.807*(waist-wrist)))/weight

Neck – Just under the adams apple. Pinch the tape or use a mirror if taking the measurement yourself.
Waist – At the thinnest point. The navel could also be used. Or both if you like to collect data. Most important of all is using the same point each time you measure.
Wrist – At the thinnest point of the wrist, just before it meets the hand.
Forearm – At the widest part of the forearm with the arm straight.
Hips – Around the widest part of your butt. Note this almost surely is NOT around your hipbones.
Does a mirror not count?
LOL. I was going to write this too, then I saw you beat me to the post.

My response is not at all from being critical - but due to not understanding:
-->> What is the practical application of this knowledge through measuring?
What action do you take as a result of the measurements?

I'm a low-goal GPP oriented guy, so I'm basically trying to impress my wife of 34 years and myself, when I look in the mirror.
hmmm... 2 reasons a mirror sucks.
1) It ignores the psychological/emotional state of the person in front of the mirror. Someone starting as out of shape or suffering from depression will worsen their situation. Daily and weekly looking in the mirror may reinforce negative thoughts and they just quit. You may also not see any results because it takes so long for the changes to be visible, which is another reason to quit. Conversely an overly confident (a narcissist peacock) may see gains where there are none...
2) It's very subjective and you may not realize if something is working or not in your programming or diet changes... This is why transformation programs tell you to take weekly pictures. On a day to day or even week to week you might not notice, but over a month or 6 yo will. Using empirical evidence will tell me very quickly (better than a mirror) if a change is working. One can trust the truth of facts and adjust accordingly. I can know with certainty within a week, max two weeks.

Of course there is another method... Don't bother at all with body fat%, a mirror, scales or any of it. Just answer these questions:
Did you doc give you a clean bill of health (blood markers, heart etc etc)?
Can you perform the sports and activities you want at the level you want pain free?
Are you enjoying your life?
hmmm... 2 reasons a mirror sucks.
1) It ignores the psychological/emotional state of the person in front of the mirror. Someone starting as out of shape or suffering from depression will worsen their situation. Daily and weekly looking in the mirror may reinforce negative thoughts and they just quit. You may also not see any results because it takes so long for the changes to be visible, which is another reason to quit. Conversely an overly confident (a narcissist peacock) may see gains where there are none...
2) It's very subjective and you may not realize if something is working or not in your programming or diet changes... This is why transformation programs tell you to take weekly pictures. On a day to day or even week to week you might not notice, but over a month or 6 yo will. Using empirical evidence will tell me very quickly (better than a mirror) if a change is working. One can trust the truth of facts and adjust accordingly. I can know with certainty within a week, max two weeks.

Of course there is another method... Don't bother at all with body fat%, a mirror, scales or any of it. Just answer these questions:
Did you doc give you a clean bill of health (blood markers, heart etc etc)?
Can you perform the sports and activities you want at the level you want pain free?
Are you enjoying your life?
I feel it. I think seeing myself step out the shower with breast’s was a big motivation for me to lose weight. I did not like what I saw so I made a change.
I use a mirror, or judge by the way my wife looks at me.
I have not check all the answers and some experts might disagree with me. But having done Dexa scan a few times my self, I believe most accurate and objective measure is the mirror. All the measurements callipers and devices scans with have a huge error room.

Google body fat percentage images. Look at the photos and look at your self in the mirror and you know your body fat percentage although though to swallow.
I feel it. I think seeing myself step out the shower with breast’s was a big motivation for me to lose weight. I did not like what I saw so I made a change.
Hi, I had similar debates about subjectivity of mirror check.

I bet anyone is able to spot very little changes in BF percentage that Dexa scan can not. Hence it is indeed not subjective.

Human is interesting you can mislead yourself easily with calipers. You would unintentionally grip a smaller skin etc.

You can not fool your eyes. If you see there is no change in the mirror, then there is no change. If you see you are thinner, you are thinner. Simple and indeed accurate.
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