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Old Forum Bodyweight Strength Feats, StrongFirst Approved

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Luke Luko

Level 2 Valued Member
I am looking for some new inspirations and "StrongFirst Approved"  bodyweight strength feats.

Would be nice to hear something from Pavel, and other bodyweight maniacs like me.


Seems to me that any non-gymnastics bodyweight strength movement would qualify. Stuff like planches, crosses, etc. require a good deal of specific joint prep so I'd be hesitant to call them general strength moves. After all, the only point in time you'd demonstrate that specific straight-arm strength is in gymnastics itself; so it is of limited value if you're looking at strength as a general phenomenon. Jmo, of course. That sort of thing is still very impressive and has plenty of carryover to other activities.

If you look at the 'bodyweight powerlifts'; they can be taken pretty far. I'd imagine that when you hit one arm divebombers, maximum deficit advanced shrimp squats, and one arm chins for a solid set of 5 each you'd be plenty strong. Add a big lower body pull and you're all set.
Thanks Aris, that makes sense and there are absolutely good goals for achieve!

I have question about some solid basics gymnast's skills like front lever or handstands?

What about some dragon flags, evil wheels or one kind of scissors pushups and also muscle-outs. Where this was stand in term of bodyweight strength feats?
Front levers and handstands are useful and included in the SFB material.

I would personally say that ab wheel is probably more useful in general than dragon flag, as it involves piking and is not merely a static hold (but involves something of an extended static as well).

A 'muscle-out' is holding a weight straight out in front of you or to your side with one hand, like a crucifix hold. It is sometimes used in strongman competitions. I assume you mean muscleups... I was able to do them without kipping and without specific training once I got strong enough, so I don't believe they should be prioritized.

Strive to simplify, not to include more 'stuff'. Push, squat, pull, hinge, do a heavy ab move, and go home. If you are interested in gymnastics, add a straight-arm movement and some skill work (handbalancing, probably, at first) to that; but no more.

Aris, what sort of training do you think helped towards achieving a muscleup without practice? That's a remarkable feat! One arm chin progressions do you think?

Also, does anyone else find that one arm hindu push ups are actually easier than handstand pushups?
No problem guys.

Weighted chins got me a 'kicking' (not kipping) muscleup on a straight bar. I later found out that I could do a strict (but not slow) muscleup without kicking if I really focused on maintaining the hollow position. That was after my first OACs, though.

One arm hindus shouldn't be easier than HeSPU if you maintain the proper angle and control the eccentric. Easier than full HSPU, definitely.
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