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Kettlebell Circuit training routine

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Sounds good, think im going to have to get a heavier kb as only have 1 16kg and a door mounted pullup bar
To further confuse and confound the situation the ladders I described earlier came to me organically as I experimented with exercises, sets, loads and frequency.

That is only 1/3 of my training trifecta, another is heavy swing or clean clusters totalling 96 reps done A+A style, get-ups, carries and bottom up clean and holds. The third leg is VWC which I am still figuring out frequency.

I'm 59 and thrive on 6-7 hrs/wk actual training time, sometimes I need a day off and don't hesitate to take it. A 'routine', especially park bench is probably the most adjustable and fun type you can do. You learn so much about yourself in terms of creativity, motivation, body durability, recovery ability and the list goes on... You get all this without the pressure and stress of the bus bench all while learning and evolving. It's a win.. win.. win.. for me.
Seems like you have had some fun with a 'bell that is too light.

No problem with that.
North Coast Miller, could you write an example of all this. As per the other thread I wrote on this is the way I'd like to go. I like variety.
North Coast Miller, could you write an example of all this. As per the other thread I wrote on this is the way I'd like to go. I like variety.

Below is a good sample routine lifted from my "template".

Disclaimer - I do not train like this all the time, but when I do settle into a groove I tend to structure it similar. Common reasons why I am not more regular is I like to insert other exercise from time to time and they may or may not fit well with the implements I'm using at a given loading level.

Another factor is the rep count is relative to the lift - example, I cannot maintain my balance well doing SLDL with more than 160lbs, so the 8 reps has to be the grind when ideally it would be 4-5 reps. It is still more a grind than 30 reps 2hand swing with the 28kg. These both target posterior chain but with different mechanisms (tho maybe not as different as one might think depending on who you are talking to).

As an example I just did a sandbag workout and expected the Good Mornings to be much tougher than they were. Training at a park waiting to pick up the kids from a Summer camp I was stuck with what I had, so the GMs became the high rep and used them opposite jumping backsquats for the second pairing - not ideal, but the GMs are not anywhere near as metabolically taxing as the jumpers, so I get some variation anyway. I could have done loaded Skater squats or pistols, but even at lower weight/higher rep, those GMs felt like a grind when I paused at the bottom and really focused on hammie and glute only to come back up (this is all fresh in my head). Normally I am a little better prepared but I just got this bag and haven't really made friends yet - it is very different from my tight packed tubesand bags.

This also illustrates how I might chop off the movement finisher and use it with my stretching and any other finisher work - in this case Decksquats but could also be Slashers or Hot Potatoes (tho I really like to finish with Decksquats as they also help my hip and lower back mobility).

You can also see how I put the grind movement upper or lower paired with the higher rep version of its opposite. As mentioned this is kind of a PITA when subbing out lifts, so I often just do whatever upper body I'm into, and only make sure the squat and hinge get reliably rotated.

This especially once I started doing a lot of work with the Hobo Bundle - as a tool it is ideal for changing
resistance and rep count every set and even within a set, so not a typical circuit exercise implement.

Below the bent arm lift is the sandbag front loaders from my training log.

Day 1:
slingshots 20 each, and figure 8s 40 with 35lb KB

Pushups 36, 30, 26
single leg DL 140lbs x 10, 140lbs x10, 160lbs x8

Above run through 3 times

Jumping back squats 60lbs 10, 8, 8
bent arm lifts 60lb 6, 6, 5

Unloaded decksquats x8
Cossack stretch
Tricep press 50lbs x10
downward dog
Unloaded decksquat x8
seated twist
Tricep press 50lbs x10

Day 2

slingshots 20 each, and figure 8s 40 with 35lb KB

2hand swing 28kg x 30, x30, x25
oapu 5,5,5, drop set 4

Above run through 3 times

Double clean to squat, 28 and 32kg KBs 10, 8, 8
one arm row 85lbs 8, 8, 8 drop set 7 with 50lbs

Above run through 3 times

Unloaded decksquats x8
Cossack stretch
Tricep press 50lbs x10
downward dog
Unloaded decksquat x8
seated twist
Tricep press 50lbs x10
Thanks North Coast Miller! So You pair the push and hinge together? Then the squat and pull?
Thanks North Coast Miller! So You pair the push and hinge together? Then the squat and pull?

In this example yes, but that's not an important detail. You could just as easily pair the pull with the hinge, or even a compound exercise that doesn't compete too much with the hinge / squat.

In my philosophy the squat and hinge are the anchors of the routine, the upper body is all interchangeable.
Thanks for that, im thinking i might do mine similur to yours but slightly diff

Swings 1x20
Press 1x10
Squat 1x10
Pull up 1x10
Farmers 3x2 lenghts of my hall

Swings 1x20
Row 1x10
Lunge 1x10
Push up 1x15
Farmers 3x2

Simple & sinister

Hows that look north coast miller?

The thing is the pushups and rows dont really test me so mayb up the reps to 20-30? Untill i can afford to buy more resistance kb/sandbag
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Why not supersetting the rows and push ups? Meaning doing them back to back? And/or laddering them. E.g. 10 rows, 5 pushups, 9 rows, 6 push ups...I did sth like this once I liked it actually.
Swings+lunges and pu+rows, the farmer's walk.
I do think that this woukd be a bit more challenging because you cut out resting time for upper body.
But...just my 2 cents o_O
A sample DMPM

OS 5min

Workout - Humane Burpee
Swing - 15, 15, 15, 15, 15
Push-Up - 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Goblet Squat, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
TRX Row/Batwing - 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Farmer's Walk
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Thanks for that, im thinking i might do mine similur to yours but slightly diff

Swings 1x20
Press 1x10
Squat 1x10
Pull up 1x10
Farmers 3x2 lenghts of my hall

Swings 1x20
Row 1x10
Lunge 1x10
Push up 1x15
Farmers 3x2

Simple & sinister

Hows that look north coast miller?

The thing is the pushups and rows dont really test me so mayb up the reps to 20-30? Untill i can afford to buy more resistance kb/sandbag

I'd say you definitely need more load for the rows, and increase Pushup reps to 80% or more of your rep max.
Higher rep PUs don't seem to be a problem as you're Planked the whole time too, but if you're hitting much over 20+ reps with your rows I'd start to consider swapping it out or changing it somehow. You could elevate the feet for your PUs, that will drive the rep count down too.

A rope or strap from your pullup bar can help with other rowing movements.

This is where the exercise and loading options/selection has to be taken into account - don't be tied to rep specifics so much, just go to or close to tech failure and keep tabs on the sets. Track the rep count for charting progress and to make sure you're in a range that will produce the adaptations you're looking for, but don't be constrained by it.

As a template, what you have looks good. If tight on $, sand or pea gravel is your best friend though it can get awkward manufacturing covers for it if needed.
Humane Burpee:

10 Swings
5 Goblet squats (put the bell down between your feet under control)
Inchworm out to the push-up position (walk on your hands)
5 Push-ups

Inchworm back to starting position
10 Swings
4 Goblet squats (put the bell down between your feet under control)
Inchworm out to the push-up position (walk on your hands)
4 Push-ups

Inchworm back to starting position
10 Swings
3 Goblet squats (put the bell down between your feet under control)
Inchworm out to the push-up position (walk on your hands)
3 Push-ups

Inchworm back to starting position
10 Swings
2 Goblet squats (put the bell down between your feet under control)
Inchworm out to the push-up position (walk on your hands)
2 Push Ups

Inchworm back to starting position
10 Swings
1 Goblet squat (put the bell down between your feet under control)
Inchworm out to the push-up position (walk on your hands)
1 Push-up

Inchworm back to starting position
If tight on $, sand or pea gravel is your best friend though it can get awkward manufacturing covers for it if needed.

I actually remembered, for work we use weights 20kg plates to service equipment, they are a little bit big, very flat and round but do have a handle on each side.
I might try incorporating them somehow
I actually remembered, for work we use weights 20kg plates to service equipment, they are a little bit big, very flat and round but do have a handle on each side.
I might try incorporating them somehow

Take a pic!
If they are good and flat maybe they can be stacked/doubled in the hand or doubled with your 16kg.
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