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Old Forum Combining get up and press

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Level 1 Valued Member
I was thinking... what would it be like to combine get up and press? For example, do a press while lying on ground, than get up to elbow, than press, than get up to hand, press again, get up to lunge, press, and finally stand up and press again. On the way down simply perform reverse get up, without pressing.

Would there be any benefits of this, or it would be maybe even dangerous? I think this could improve overall upper body strength and also overall balance, since you would be pressing the kettlebell in different, sometimes little awkward, body positions, and while pressing it would be necessary to also keep yourself tight to prevent shaking, since that would decrease pressing strength.

I would like to see what others think about this.
Would be fair to say you might be making things overly complex? also can you imagine doing a press mid getup and trying to maintain a high level of tension? Doesn't sound a great idea to me.

You can notice the exercises are fine how they are.
Senior SFG Paul Daniels has demonstrated this.  If you look him up, I think you'll find videos on YouTube.  While not something to do with a 1RM weight, it is a great thing and well worth doing.  If you're doing getups with a 32, you might try this with a 16 at first and then a 24 but I'm not sure I'd go heavier than that because of the longer time under tension.

I do this after seeing Tom Furman recommend it.  My approach:

floor press

kneeling press

windmill or OH Squat at the top.


Benefits: it seems to iron out a lot of tight spots and also emphasises stability in certain positions.   FWIW, I can do TGU's with the 48 and do these with the 24.  It's also a great all in one warm up movement.
I did these for a few months. Lots of time under tension. I was looking for a bit of growth in the arms, and these delivered. As others have said, go light.
I appreciate all your answers. I wasnt aware someone already 'invented' these, and I was just looking for a way to make my get ups harder, simply because I am getting to a point at doing my simple and sinister routine when I should progress to get ups with heavier kettlebell, but I cant afford it yet. This came across my mind and looked like a good idea, so what do you guys think instead of doing 5 normal get ups per arm I do 2-3 these 'press get ups' for a while untill I afford myself a heavier KB?
Josef, back on the old DragonDoor forums had a program called "Turkish Warrior Conditioning". The next-to-last sequence was the "Ataturk" where one performs a press at every step of the TGU. I don't know about any other benefits but it sure shows you which parts you own and which you're just faking.
Presses at one, some, or every stage of the getup are a great tool, something I've seen some very strong people use... and a useful way to incorporate static-dynamic work. Presses + bent press or windmills, etc. are other options too.
It has been a staple of getup training in my world for years. It is the groundwork for the way i teach the bent press as well.
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