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Old Forum Combining Kettlebell and Bodyweight Excercises

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Level 1 Valued Member

I want to use both kettlebell and bodyweight exercises in my training schedule. Besides conditioning training I do Krav Maga and my goals are strength, flexibility and good, efficient movement. By now I only use kettlebells and joint mobility drills. My schedule looks like this:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday: Joint mobility drills (Pavel's book 'Super Joints') 20-30 minutes

Kettlebell 'the big six'  50-60 minutes

Tuesday, Thursday:  Joint mobility drills  20-30 minutes

Weekend: Joint mobility drills  20-30 minutes, Jogging 30 minutes


My questions are:

Does it make sense to do bodyweight exercises on the kettlebell-free days (Tuesday, Thursday)?

Which bodyweight exercises should I choose? I thought of Push-Ups, Pull-Ups, Squats, maybe Handstand Push-Ups

Thank you for your comments on this :)
Hard Styler, do not get hung up on modalities; think of your goals and find which exercises would serve them best.
I follow a 3 or 4 day foundation program from which is based around getting the body prepared to train for skills such as front and side lever, straddle planche, pistols, manna, various pushing and pulling exercises. I also use etk pm after each session and have been seeing amazing results in my running ability, strength, mobility, and recovery. Just last week I ran my 1.5 for my pt test in 9:18. It was 11:00 even. My 100m sprint also dropped from 14:39 to a 13:27 over the last month and that is with taking  two weeks off from sprints to work on my 1.5mile.

All in all, its like what pavale said, its how you train, what your goals are, and not the actual modality. Pick what works for you and your goals and stick to it.
Hi thank you for your answers. After my kettlebell workout I'm too exhausted to do other stuff, so I think I'll try some exercises on my kettlebell free days and see what works for me.
BTW very nice forum here, very informative. the only thing is it lacks a search function
I agree a search function would be convenient, but you can use Google.  Enter: <search terms>
For example: swing
Yea, that's how I look up questions about ETK PM.

As for the mixing the body weight and kettlebell work, I should probably have mentioned since my primary focus is strengthening the basics for my isometric skills, I practice those first, if and only if my energy is still there I do "some" KB work to supplement my bent arm and leg strength. Yesterday for example was my planche and front lever work with the 12min swings for conditioning. I decided to move the swings to today due to fatigue. Focus on primary your goals first. =)
@<a title="View ctuozzolo's profile" href="">ctuozzolo</a> Ok Google works of course, but without a built-in search function (at least for registered users) the forum is prone to double posts and searching for tags would also be nice to have...but anyway, this is a great forum

Thanks for adding this information Robert Burchell.

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