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Old Forum Combining Snatches and Get ups

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Level 5 Valued Member
Just wondering what Pavel, a SFG or anyone else experienced in combining these two incredible exercises in an intelligent routine what suggest. Ive been playing around with different routines. I prefer the daily easy strength, easy endurance route. These are my favorite 2 exercises even though I still perform some swings and goblet squats daily because I think they are essential, just would like to put an emphasis on the snatch and get up without too much shoulder fatigue build up. Thanks in advance
Have you read Pavel's first kettlbell book The Russian Kettlebell Challenge?  It featured the original program minimum, which was snatches and bent presses. So combining that with the other PM in ETK and a bit of S and S, I see no reason why a snatches and get ups routine couldn't work.

That said, snatches are tough on the shoulders and hands, so monitoring your body and taking the easy strength route would be a necessity.

I actually did this a little bit last summer.  I was doing some pre-training for the TSC and rotated two week blocks of PTTP with two weeks of this:

4 to 5 workouts a week

light warmup, same as S and S

20 to 100 snatches per day, depending on how I felt

10 get ups in the style of S and S

It was fun, and I would do it again.  I often had to keep the snatch numbers lower than my head wanted to go, but ultimately I improved my technique quite a bit.

Oh, and I'm not an SFG.  Just a guy who likes to train.
We have a video of the TGU chain.  This has a get-up-windmill- snatch and a trading hands swing in one chain.  This is posted in our level II training program on facebook.  :)


I was always very careful to combine these. TGU can really make tired the shoulder, and I would be careful to add snatches on those tired shoulders. Unless fatigue level is really managed pretty well...

Maybe light snatch / light or medium TGU.
I agree with what Peter said.

I find that in a strength program, light snatches can be a tonic, very nice "variety day" activity, while heavier snatches do just the opposite and lead to fatigue and injury.   E.g., today was a "variety" day for me - I stretched, I walked a few miles.

Then  I did a single set of snatches w/ 4 kg less than my snatch test weight: 25 left + 25 right, and hard style, with the breath out on the hip snap and not at the top, 1-second pause at the top of every rep, and nose inhalation on every rep.

My shoulders feel great after that.  It's almost like a brisk walk for your shoulders, just some light, steady activity.


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