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Old Forum Conditioning for fighting

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Harry Westgate

Level 6 Valued Member
Certified Instructor
I am looking for a means of improving my fitness levels for boxing, beyond the typical circuits, etc. that I do at my boxing gym. I read the blog entry by Pavel Tsatsouline about 'Strong First Roadwork' and I intend to start this soon, however I wondered if this alone (as well as my work at the boxing gym; bags, sparring, shadow boxing, etc. and my other strength work) would be sufficient to greatly improve my conditioning as a fighter, or is there anything else I should be doing? As a point of reference, my strength work consists of grease-the-groove pistols (of which my max is around 20-25 per leg) and one-arm pushups (of which my max is around 10 per arm), as well as working hanging leg raises, tactical pull-ups, and muscle-ups; my access to weights is limited, as such most of my work is bodyweight.

Any advice offered would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
If you have access to a kettlebell, I think you could do a lot worse than to do S&S and get to the simple standards. S&S is the latest version of the ETK program minimum, which was originally designed by Steve Baccari specifically for boxers. If you're already boxing, it probably won't take you more than a few months to reach the simple standards, and I think that not only would it be helpful, but it would also clarify where to fro there.

For bodyweight only, I would recommend looking into Original Strength, especially the crawling. I think it would work very well with what you're doing. Hill sprints are almost always a good choice. There's also a good bodyweight routine for fighters from Steve Baccari in Easy Strength, but it's more strength oriented.


Check out my blog


Its a blog dedicated to strength and conditioning for fighters.


Stay tuned for some more conditioning pieces on as well.


Everything these guys said.
I also like to do blocks of just strength and I use Kettlebell Strong by Geoff Neupert for that.
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