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Old Forum Constructive Criticism

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Level 1 Valued Member
You can teach so others will learn easily. - comes under the heading of ‘ Being Helpful’

You can teach where nobody can follow you - comes under the heading of  ‘Job Security’

You can teach where nobody will want to deal with yo - comes under the heading of ‘Leave Me Alone’

I can on and on, hopefully you get the idea..


My point is this, there are people from all walks of life visiting this forum. Some will keep coming back, maybe even recommend or invite others to join the forum. Some might be turned off completely and never come back, or find it useless and not give it a second thought.


You’ll know how good this forum is, from the people who do keep coming back. You’ll never know the reason why the others didn’t come back, because they’re not around anymore.


I first heard about KettleBells 15 years ago. Never tried one until a year ago. Really into KettleBells now !!


I collected everything out there from Pavel, Then I found  DD , then finally ended up at Simple and Sinister…


Joined the FORUM, naturally. Because Wanted to learn from others more experienced with KettleBells, also hear about their trials and tribulations. My favorite is “The StrongFirst Blog”. Straight and to the point, either you’re interested or you’re not. Very informative and inspirational articles, well written.



Ok enough, here is my issue…  When visiting the forum, more than half the time, I have NO idea of what is being conveyed , either in the questions or the answer. I know that if I knew how important the topic was, I could take the time out to research and figure it out.

But, since I have no idea already what is going on, little do I have the inclination to spend valuable time in  deciphering, what could have easily been stated, if the writers and taken a minute more in writing.



Here are examples of what I am referring to.


I train SW


doing BJJ 4 times a week


IMHO Two week blocks between PTTP


balance BJJ 3-4 times a week



idea of RoP


Does Pavel not still recommend ETK?


5RM bench press at 210 lbs


work that in to PTTP


the GTG OAP protocol



In the spirit of not being completely negative, I will like to make a suggestion. Can a Page be setup, with a printed list of ACRONYMs relating to training ?


I could have easily just POST that last sentence, and save myself some time, but then you wouldn’t have been able to see the extent of my frustration every time I try to read the FORUM, related to my beloved KettleBell..


My experience ? ….. Does not matter, I come here to learn.

Hope this have been helpful to everyone, THAT, was my intent, today and always.. Thank You
You will come to learn some of the acronyms people use with time spent here and just reading.

BJJ= Brazilian Ju Jitsu

GTG = Grease the Groove

ROP = Right of Passage as discussed in Enter the Kettlebell

ETK = Enter the Kettlebell - Pavel's previous work.

PTTP = Power to the People - Pavel's previous work.

IMHO = In my honest opinion

RM = rep max

OAP = One arm pushup (I think)
Ramon, it would be great, since you are voicing the need for this, if you would put together such a list and post it here.  Travis has gotten you off to a great start, and that accomplished, perhaps you could just ask when there is a term or expression you don't understand.

None of us can tell others what to post and many who post here are interested only in answers to their questions and not in being teachers - and that is their right.   It would be helpful to many if you would compile this list and post it in a new thread.  Once the forum software is redone, something I know is on the list but also something I don't expect any time very soon, then perhaps your post would make a good "sticky" for others to read.

Thank you for taking the time to post your concerns, always appreciated.

Cool.. no problem.. I had already taken what Travis wrote and put it aside for future use.. As I read POSTs on this Forum, I will take the time to ask, as you say. Let's see see how the LIST grows.. Thank You Travis for taking the time, and you Steve, for the opportunity and suggestion.
I also realized that anyone who doesn't speak English first may also be at a disadvantage. Here are a few others for your file:

GS - Could be "goblet squat" or could be "girevoy sport". Depends on the context

SW - Swings

1H SW = 1 hand swings

2H SW = 2 hand swings

Dbl (double kettlebells) = one kettlebell per hand. Can be used with many different kettlebell movements

SN = snatch

YMMV = Your mileage may vary (term taken from car advertising when posting mileage numbers for their vehicles. We use it to mean "what I'm saying may not work the same way for you")
WTH = What The Hell effect - alluding to improvements in sport or movements seemingly unrelated to a specific training program - ie. improvements in running ability/time after a training program consisting only of swings
VWC - Viking Warrior Condtioning
RotK -  Return of the Kettlebell
PM - Program Minimum
DL - Deadlift

(When words get "complicated" per my own notes and as in swings I usually number my swings and have first letters in words as capital)
2HSw, 1HSw, GoSq
In my mind GS is always Girevoy Sport. And SW will always be submission wrestling :)
OutStanding,,, that's what I say... individuals coming together, sharing, and helping out. Strong First and THEN some... thanks for the contributions to the list that will help others better understand... Keep them coming....
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