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Old Forum Contraindications for armbars

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Level 2 Valued Member
Hi all,

Besides the obvious - that it should not cause pain - are there any particular contraindications for performing the arm bar drill? If the mobility of the t-spine is quite poor, is there a possibility that the shoulder can actually become unduly stressed? Or does the drill naturally protect against this? And is it the same for crooked arm bars?


You must not "hike up" the shoulder in the arm bar - keep your shoulder away from your ear, pack your shoulder.  If you _don't_ do that, then you are putting your shoulder at risk of becoming "unduly stressed."  Same for crooked arm bar, same for press, same for snatch, same for swing, same for pullup, same for just about everything.

RobertS - You can also do the same thing with your arm pushed against a wall.  This allows you to be in complete control of the pressure against your shoulder and it is easier to move in and out of ROMs.

yes - poor t-spine mobility can be an issue and any "lax" or hypermobile elbow, shoulder etc... for both the arm-bar and crooked arm-bar

Remember that the arm-bar is about finding vertical not about how far behind you you can put the KB
What Brett said!


I would also pay attention to your shoulder position in general. If you are restricted in your pecs, neck, lats, you might have a tough time positioning the shoulder without forward translation of the GH joint. Just pay attention to that and scapular positioning. From my experience, the crooked arm bar will require more ROM than the traditional arm bar. Just take it slow and like Brett said, find vertical!
Thanks - the focus on vertical makes good sense, as opposed to focusing on bringing the chest down. As far as the crooked arm bar goes, I've used it for a few years but never really too comfortable with it. I  tend to go very light with it. When an RKC first showed it to me he said it was just a case of 'putting the weight behind you' but I'm still not quite clear what it is really about, beyond a prep for bent pressing.
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