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Old Forum Deadlifts with lower back injury

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Level 1 Valued Member
Hello. This question is specifically directed at Pavel. I have an injury to my lower back, and deadlifts aggravate it. I cannot squat or deadlift. What exercises can I do to increase my power and possibly mass in my lower body without these two essential exercises? I feel like one of those guys who only work their upper body and feel terrible and guilty about it. I do not want to look like a light bulb. I want to deadlift so bad, especially after reading how your father deadlifted over 400 pounds! That is truly inspiring. Thank you for your time.
you start by figuring out the what and why of you lower back injury

Have you had it evaluated by a Dr. etc...?
I have been to the doctors and got an x-ray done. They said that there were no signs of any disk damage, and said that I most likely strained my lumbar region. I am guessing that I could have done some tendon damage to the tendons connecting to my spinal erectors, because the pain is right above my right glute, but still in my lower back. It is tight in certain positions, but it isnt a constant pain. I am gonna get an MRI in a month and have an appointment set up.

Where are you located?  See if we can get you hooked up with a clinician in your area

you can't see disc issues on x-ray unless the narrowing is significant etc...

How did the injury occur?
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