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Kettlebell Dislocated shoulder

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Hate to hear about the injury

Was it the KB hand or the bottom hand?

If your shoulders are already that mobile your get-ups should be "slow motion" and "within" a "shortened range" etc...

Rest and heal up - consult with a Physical Therapist if you can

Thank you!
It was the kettlebell hand.
Fortunateley the shoulder already feels pretty good 3 days after the incident (had greater pain from bench presses in the past and just grind through. Actually nothing I would do again or advocate).

Next week I will start with OS and gradually add in push ups/band rows/rotator cuff stuff. That will hopefully keep my OAPU strength and physical shape.
Hopefully I can get back to doing NW as soon as possible...
I've dislocated both of my shoulders, on separate occasions. I had to put both of them back in myself. The first one was a relatively painless dislocation but the second one was bad. I only waited about 2 weeks before I started lifting weights again in both cases.

My buddy is a PT and he said no lifting for 6 months. I couldn't accept that so I decided to go with what my body could handle.
I bought a swiss bar for bench pressing to help alleviate some of the shoulder pain I was experiencing.

I kept the weights light and only moved through a range of motion that didn't hurt. I increased my range of motion as I was able to and within about 3 months I was bench pressing over 200 lbs again. I was more conservative with my overhead press, starting off with just the bar and then keeping it to 1-5 reps with 105 lbs or less for 4 months.

I also started doing get ups to strengthen my shoulder stabilizers, which I determined were weak. My shoulders are now stronger than ever with slightly less range of motion.

You already do get ups so your stabilizers are not weak, you just had an accident. Keep doing get ups with light weight, real light, until you get your confidence back. Maybe look into face pulls or something like that too.

By the way, I am not a Doctor, just a guy with some dings and dents. I can't give you medical advice, I can only give you my experience. You have to decide what is acceptable to you. Good luck.
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