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Old Forum Double KB "Intro" Program

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Level 1 Valued Member
Just out of curiosity, has anyone had good success with a particular "intro" type double kb program?  I am interested in doing some doubles work over the winter, but Return of the Kettlebell seems (on first and second reading) like it may be beyond my capabilities at that point...

I like the look of Dan John's "Left of Passage," (as seen in RoTK) and definitely plan to use that in season (track), but would be interested in any other thoughts on a good starting point.

Goal would be to get stronger/more comfortable with double KB work, with the ultimate goal of "doing" RotK later on next year.

Thanks much.
I've had fantastic success using double kettlehells.  Mike Mahler's website has a TON of information for simple double kettlebell programs.  Start with 5 x 5 and then do EDT.  Good luck.
Many people here have had great success with the Kettlebell Strong program by Geoff Neurpert ( I have the DVD and the book but haven't yet started it myself; it certainly seems to be a good introduction. ROTK in comparison seems more advanced.

Disclaimer: I'm still quite content with the PM/ROP from ETK.
I had done the PM/ROP x2 going from 16kg to 24kg and ready to move up to a 32kg and wanted to try doubles. I bought ROTK and was amazed at the depth but it was a bit too much for me to start doubles with that book. That is a more advanced double program. Then I saw Kettlebell Strong and emailed Geoff to make sure it was a more beginner type doubles program. He told me it was and I grabbed it. I am very glad I did as not only is the material phenominal but the programs are simple(not easy!) and fit in if you are into combat sports(I do Kickboxing,Full contact Karate).
Thanks everyone, for the thoughts so far.  I'm planning on taking a year-long journey with KBs, so I've got lots of time to implement a lot of things...

Geoff N's work is definitely of interest, as is Mike M's!
Rickard, I have done a decent amount of KB work before, but have not done any KB-only programs.  I am starting with RoP.
KB Strong is the best primer for Double KB work I've seen. It's your best bet for learning  Double KB work once you've put in some time with the PM & ROP. The programs contained in it work like a champ, too:)
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