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Old Forum Early Morning Warm-up 40 day workout

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Level 4 Valued Member

I am going to start the 40 day workout and am looking for recommendations on a warm-up for early morning workout's.  Last winter I tweaked my back doing an early morning workout (my fault, lack of warm-up) and would love to hear thoughts on best ways to warm-up for the below.  I was thinking of a movement prep and possibly doing clean and press prior to deadlifts to warm-up the lower back.  I workout first thing (6am) and want to ensure no further tweaks.  Any recommendations would be appreciated!  Workout is below

Trap-bar Deadlift

Kettlebell press


Hanging Leg Raise

I really like swings to loosen the back up, so I'd try to schedule those first. The nice thing about the 40 day workout is that you'll be using mostly pretty comfortable weights, so there shouldn't be too much strain.
This is my standard warmup for 40 day workouts and other barbell-ish based programs.

A few Turkish Getups

Alternate those with the tactical frog hip mobility drill.

A few sets of swings, explosive, 8-10 reps (different weight if these are part of the actual workout)

Alternate swings with a few goblet squats, pause at the bottom to pry the hips.

The warmup does not take me very long (5 or 6 minutes?), and often I start out feeling not so hot, but at the end I'm always ready to go.
I'm a big fan of doing a regular mobility practice as my warmup and I'm working out in the early morning hours right after waking up as well. Maybe I don't do all 40 reps (for my age)of each movement like Pavel suggests in Super Joints, but definitely some neck and shoulder movements like arm swings (I use what Scott Sonnon put out in Intu Flow) as there is mild rotation in the trunk that helps me feel loose. The cossack to forward lunge and pump stretches are all a part of my regular warm up. Not too many, but enough to feel like I am "on".

The main thing you have to remember about early morning training, aside from the fact that your joints need some extra love to get lubed up, is that your discs are their most full of fluid. Severe spinal flexion within the first hour of waking is not a good idea as there is a higher chance of disc injury. Even too much spinal extension can give folks problems so I take it easy with the pump stretch on the cobra portion. A good warmup helps to distribute that fluid back into your vascular system, but your form has to be  dialed in as there is less room for error. Trying to stay neutral during swings and deads is key.  The pullups after deads is harder on your grip but a great way to help decompress your spine.

After a warmup, you could program your press, swings, deads, pullups, then leg raises. It will definitely tax your grip in this order, but seems like the best order to me. With your history I'd definitely do some press-ups (cobra) or hang out on your stomach for a few minutes to help your back.
I will echo the mobility comments. I like to do a bit of neck and shoulder mobility as well as the pump and some light stretching. Actually it occurs to me that the movements in ETK would work pretty well. Halos, pump, and wall squats if memory serves.

I do all of the above inside and then out in the garage I run through two or three circuits of 100 rope skips, 10 or so prying goblet squats, and light TGUs. I don't like to perform swings before I'm warmed up a bit due to a history of back and hip injuries, but I know lots of others do them with no problems.
I use super joints to commence my warm up , usually 10 per joint but more if I still feel tight. I follow this with some ARM bars and bretzel, then tactical frog. Usually finish with some TGUs. This usually takes around 15 minutes, but worth it IMHO.
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