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Old Forum ETK 2

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Level 1 Valued Member
Hey everyone.  Glad to see the site up!  Pavel I know you've been busy but I was just wondering if you still were working on a second coming of ETK?  the idea got me excited when you brought it up for suggestions.   Oh and thanks for going back to the basics!!! Of what I can tell off of your site so far.   long live cast iron!
really pleased the new site is up. Can't wait to send my rkc cert in for strongfirst recognition once I am back from working away. I was just wondering does the new changes affect the delay of deadlift dynamite and will it be published by strongfirst?

Deadlift Dynamite will be published by DD. Sebastian, just wait...something very special is coming. We gotta give the Chief a little time. Stay tuned.

The Chief online again, awesome!  Nice to see you (in Cyberspace) again (...and hopefully see you soon), Sir!
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