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Fast and "Super Fast"Ballistic Eccentric Training

Kenny Croxdale

Level 7 Valued Member
Eccentric Training

Eccentric Strength Training is one area the many individual lack knowledge in.

Most individual perform...

Slow Eccentric Movements

A Slow Eccentric Movement primarily innervates...

1) Slow Twitch (Endurance) Muscle Fiber'

The Slow Twitch (Endurance) Type I Muscle Fiber are tained and developed to a greater degree than the Fast Twitch Type IIa and "Super Fast" Type IIb/x, Strength and Power Muscle Fiber.

2) Time Under Tension

Slow Eccentric Movement place the Muscle under a longer amount of Time Under Tension; Muscles maintain a longer time of Contraction.

Muscle Contraction Time

During a movement, arterial blood flows to the working muscles.

A Muscle Contraction limits the amount of venous blood flow from the muscles back to the heart.

The longer the the Time Under Tension is maintained in an Exercise, the greater accumulation of blood in the muscles which produces "The Pump".

Time Under Tension is evoked with Moderate to High Repetition Sets, Super Slow Protocol and Occlustion Training.

"The Pump" produces a downstream anabolic muscle building effect.

Thus, the benefits of Slow Eccentrics are in the development if Slow Type I Muscle Fiber and Time Under Tension, Hypertrophy.

Fiber type-specific changes after eccentric training | Chris Beardsley on Patreon

...When slow eccentric phases are used during normal strength training, this causes increased type I muscle fiber size, ...

Research shows the slow negatives do not elicit the most effective response.

The Downside of Slow Eccentrics

The downside is Slow Eccetric Training is not as effective at developing the Fast Type IIa nor the "Super Fast" Type IIb/x Muscle Fiber; Maxium Strength and Power Muscle Fiber

Fast Eccentric Movemengs

This means lower the bar in approximately 1-2 seconds.

Performing a Faster Eccentric magnifies the weight that is on the bar; Force = Mass X Accelration.

a) "...greater following high rather than slow velocity eccentric actions (29)."

b) " far as strength was concerned, fast eccentric actions were superior."

c) "...growth of type IIa and IIx fibres was greater with fast eccentric actions."

4) Explosive Lifting for Muscle Growth
Robbie J.Durand

" At the end of the study, the group that trained with fast eccentric contractions had the greatest increase in muscle hypertrophy. Muscle hypertrophy of the type IIB fibers (i.e. type IIB fibers are fast twitch fibers) increased from 6% to 13% in subjects. The slow group did not experience any gain in muscle mass." Source: European Journal of Applied Physiology

5) Negatives: You're Doing Them Wrong

a) ..."going slower will not improve the stimulatory affect of the eccentric. won't recruit and stimulate more fast-twitch fibers."

b) "The Essential Points: Focus on heavy and controlled, not on moderate weights lowered slowly."
Heavy Eccentrics

1) Reseaserch shows that working up to around 120% of your 1 Repetition Concentric Max is optimal.

2) Start off an Eccentric Program with something that is around 60-80% of you Concentric Max.

As we know, Eccentric are the predominatel cause of DOMS, Delayed Onset of Muscle Soreness.

Thus, by slowly introducing Eccentrics into your program, there is less soreness and more progress.

This has to do with "The Repeated Bout Effect"; it allows your body to become acclimated; similar to taking a vaccine with a small dose of a virus. Your body respond to it and becoming stronger and more immune.

Ballistic Eccentric Training

Let's break this unique method down.

Ballistic meaning a body or object goes airborne.

Eccentic, as we know, is the lengthening of the muscle in a movement; the downward motion.

Ballistic Eccentric develop the "Super Fast"Type IIb/x Muscle Fiber.


Gymnast are great examles.

In performing many movement, their dismount invoves Sticking The Landing.

An exercise eample would be dropping off, let's say, a 36 inch Plyometeric Box and Sticking The Landing.

High Jumpers''

This research demonstrated that Ballistic Depth Landing were the most effective at developing the Eccentric Strength (Law of Speficity) for Jumpers. Research found the best High Jumper and had greater Ballistic Eccentric Strength.

Ballistic Eccentric Strength allowed the High Jumper to transiton from the run up to the bar, stopping the horizontal movement (running) and then transfer that energy and momentum into going vertical over the bar.

Limited Knowledge and Resesarch

Research data on Ballistic Strength Trainng (Altitde Drops/Depth Landing) and knowledge limited to the few.

This rescent research just came out...

Eccentric Force Velocity Profiling: Motor Control Strategy Considerations and Relationships to Strength and Jump Performance
Eccentric force velocity profiling: motor control strategy considerations and relationships to strength and jump performance. J Strength Cond Res 37(3): 574–580, 2023

Currently, no studies exist on the eccentric force-velocity profile (eFVP) during drop landings from increasing drop heights, which may reveal an athlete’s braking capacity and control strategies.

...Drop landings from 0.3 to 1.52-m box heights in 0.15-m increments.
...The increase in drop height and the resulting eccentric GRFs (i.e., impact forces) will exceed an individual’s maximum eccentric force attenuation capacity.
...Further increases in drop height and eccentric work demands must be accommodated by increases in landing depth.

One study by Hyoku et al. (9) reported peak impact forces of 12x bodyweight from a 2- m drop landing, whereas another study from McNitt-Gray (12) reported impact forces of approximately 11x bodyweight in gymnasts compared with approximately 9x bodyweight in recreational athletes during drop landings from 1.28 m.

The difference between landings with increasing external loads from a constant drop height and landings from increasing drop heights with constant external loads...

In other word, Increasing the Depth Landing/Altitude Impact Loading Force can be elicited by dropping from the same height while holding Dumbbells. I holding Dumbbells during Drops as a mean in progressively increasing the Impact Loading.

Soviet Sport Review Journals
As a side note, a research article in
the Soviet Sport Review determined that Depth Landing/Altitude Drops from a 2 meter plaform produce landing impact force of 20 time body weight.

One of the funniest and interesting parts of this article was that once the Drop Platform reached 2 Meters producing up to 20 time time body weight upon landing, it was hard to motivate the athletes.


Ballistic Eccentric Drop Landing/Altitude Drops are effective for Sprinting and Jumping Events, sports that involve them.

I;v used them and infrequently perform them for my Squat, Bench Press, and Deadlift. I felt they helped my Squat but did little for my Bench Press or Deadlift.
@Kenny Croxdale
Kenny, I read the Dan Ogborn article years ago (pretty sure it was from one of your older postings) and promptly ditched slow eccentrics. It definitely seemed to produce a stronger adaptive response.
I also adopted a strategy used in blocks of a couple weeks at a time where I would use a slow eccentric for the first half of the range of motion, then let the load free fall into a rapid counter exertion, driving into the concentric as fast as possible.
At the time I was theorizing it would trigger very high tension and possibly elicit an improvement in power output. Was never able to pin down the response to it and eventually stopped in favor of a basic, rapid eccentric, still with a rapid return to concentric but not as jolting as the free fall pop.
Do you have any opinion or insight re this as a useful strategy vs simply using a rapid eccentric?
...eventually stopped in favor of a basic, rapid eccentric, still with a rapid return to concentric but not as jolting as the free fall pop. Do you have any opinion or insight re this as a useful strategy vs simply using a rapid eccentric?
Depth Landings/Altitude Drop Only

This provide a greater Eccetric Overload comparative to when Landing is followed by a rapid concentric

What is the most direct means to achieve strength gains specific to the demands of jumping events?

David Kerin goes into some of the benefits of Drop Landings/Altitude Drops for Jumpers.


One of Kerin's best reference in his article are from...

Schweigert, Doug, Functional Strength Considerations for the Advanced High Jumper National Strength & Conditioning Association, Vol 22, No. 5 pages 25-30 (2000) file:///C:/Users/Admin/Downloads/Functional_Strength_Considerations_for_the.8%20(2).pdf

One of Schwigerts best reference was...

"Strength Training of Jumpers"
Teoriya I Praktika Fizcheskoi Kultury, 10:62-64, 1978
L.I. Dursenev, L.G. Raevsky
Soviet Sports Review/1979/Yessis

Reading the reference of an article provides even more information.
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