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Old Forum Fixing Hip alignment/impingement

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I have been doing S&S for roughly a month now. I noticed that when doing the Prying Goblet squat my hips slightly yell at me, mainly right in the groin region. I then do the prying and it hurts but feels good….cant describe it really. The other day I stepped it up on my Get ups by doing one set with the 34Kg……now when I squeeze my right glute or position my body a certain way my right hip has this dull ache to it……Anyone have this before or know of any techniques to diminish it? Im debating about seeing a chiropractor….


I did the test my self where you squeeze something in between your legs and it does click….which means its unaligned I read. Any input greatly appreciated. I hate taking time off training, hope thats not the answer.
Ben, you need to get this assessed by a professional.

I'm just getting back into training following a lay-off with ilio-psoas bursitis.  The symptoms I experienced sound very familiar to those you are describing, in particular, the problem with goblet squats.

I found a physio who is affiliated with a Premier League soccer club here in the UK, and who was therefore used to assessing groin and hip issues.  We were both worried that I had a labral tear of the hip socket, fortunatley, this was not the case, but it could have been.

Trying to 'train through' these issues can be an invitation to future surgery :-(

With treatment, this healed after about a month, and I was able to do 'ground work' correctives throughout the process.  Once I was able to do FMS leg lowering correctives without problems, I reintroduced kettlebell training (I'm spending a month working on drills from Gray Cook and Dan John's recent 'Essentials of Coaching' dvd).

Mike is correct - get it checked and do not perform any patterns that cause pain or symptoms (even the following day).
Ben, of course I agree with Mike and Brett.  I read the first half of your message, including, " then do the prying and it hurts but feels good….cant describe it really. " and said to myself, well, maybe he's just getting used to a new range of motion.

But the rest of your message tells me it's time for a medical professional to find out exactly what's going on with you.

If I could put this concept into a few words, it would be: Know the difference between discomfort and pain.  Discomfort is something you can try to deal with on your own, and since it literally means you aren't comfortable, it might just be because you're moving in a way you're not used to.  Pain, OTOH, requires a medical professional.

Please report back on what your doctor has to say, and best of luck to you.

Well went to the doc today. He sent me to radiology and they did some X-Rays. So in the next few days I will know exactly what the problem is. As of now from the test that he did while putting my hips in different positions, we found out that the pinching feeling happens everytime my hip gets put in internal rotation. That same pinching is close to what I feel like in the bottom position of a squat. Its definitely more of a pain then getting used to a new range of motion. I totally get where your going with that though because when I do the "super couch stretch" out of Dr. Staretts book I feel a discomfort haha but its not a pain.

I will let you guys know what it is when I find out. Thanks for all your input/advice.
Ben- there could be an adaptation phase in your tissue or you could be jamming your femur into your acetabulum and shredding your labrum.

There are so many different ROM in the hip and a good professional might be able to give you guidance of what is best for YOU


The x-ray will help to ID your hip type ( pincer, cam, combo ) and that might be the first step to getting better insight on whats going on.

Stay away from ROM that causes any discomfor

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