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Old Forum Getting tight for the TGU press portion

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Level 3 Valued Member
I'm waiting for my next bell to arrive in the mail and I'm concerned about being able to press it.

I know tightness is important, but I have no idea how to achieve this on the TGU. When I practice getting tight with the one I have now to make it go up easier, it just seems harder to press. The only muscles that seem to help when they're tight are my shoulder, lat, and my back muscles that are next to my lat. Whole-body tension doesn't seem to help.

I wish I had thought of this at the SFG course I just went to... Tips on getting tight for the TGU?
So I've been working getting tight with the heavier kb, but I can't press it one-handed. I can do the rest of the get-up with good form, though.

What's the best way to work the press? I was thinking very slow negative at the end of the get-up, with just the one hand lowering it...
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