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Old Forum GtG pull-ups

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I worked up to one arm pullups by doing Gtg oa negatives every time I passed the bar, then half oa pull ups, then oa pull ups.

I already had a long history with pull ups, and I dead lift and loaded carry alot, which I think gave me a strong base of support.

But I probably did 8-15x1 each side every day. I had to give up gtg oa pull ups eventually because I couldn't get my lats to relax.

It sounds like your goal is higher rep pull ups? If so, I've heard people say good things about the fighter pull up program, but let's see what others experience has been...
The minimum I've done and progressed is just one set.

If you're going to gtg with 1/2 your max reps, 5-10 times your max reps each day (10-20 sets with 1/2 max) generally does good things, it seems.
I learned from my personal experience that GTG works real great with pull-ups, but it works even better when you change the protocol a bit.

I took the fighters pull-up program, and GTG all day long, trying to pull of only 5 (!) reps (pull-ups are my nemesis, always have been). so i did 3+2+1 over and over again - between 7 to  14 times a day.

so, if you can max 5 - you can space them apart by doing ladders and GTG them.
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