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GTG with Farmers Walk


Level 3 Valued Member
I'm just thinking out loud. I work from home, I do strength work each morning, 5 days a week, but was wondering if farmers walk GTG would work for strength gains, a bit of conditioning, and just to generally keep fit while working from home? Just to get the body moving to negate all the sitting at a desk that's involved with my job?

I was thinking of around 8-10 sets a day, up and down my living room a couple of times per set for a modest distant, with a pair of fairly heavy-ish dumbbells (nothing crazy, of course).

What are your thoughts?
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I think you're spot-on with the postural benefits of loaded carries. Especially the assymetrical and uneven ones (one lighter bell overhead and one heavier in the suitcase carry is my favorite).
I'm experimenting with microsessions recently and I'm thinking about doing 10 mins of weighted carries every day. I don't think there's anything about it that shouldn't work.
I'm not a huge fan of doing farmer's carries with weights if you have actual yard work to do instead.

I usually get my 'farmer's carries' in by doing actual productive outdoor work that involves carrying / hauling / dragging stuff.

This provides not only exercise, but variety and purpose.
I'm just thinking out loud. I work from home, I do strength work each morning, 5 days a week, but was wondering if farmers walk GTG would work for strength gains, a bit of conditioning, and just to generally keep fit while working from home? Just to get the body moving to negate all the sitting at a desk that's involved with my job?

I was thinking of around 8-10 sets a day, up and down my living room a couple of times per set for a modest distant, with a pair of fairly heavy-ish dumbbells (nothing crazy, of course).

What are your thoughts?

I think you should GTG two kinds of carries, not just farmer's walks. I like frontload carries. You can also do overhead carries, bottoms up carries, waiter carries, rack carries.

Actually, check out Alek's Salkins 9 Minute Challenge. That might be EXACTLY what you want to add to your day.
For GTG, which I consider as relatively short efforts, I think it would require a reasonably heavy load.
It seems to work for farmers!

Not like it used to


I do not think there's something wrong with GTG farmer carries. It would be more "fun and purposeful" with actual yard work, as @watchnerd said, but at least, it gets you moving, as the human body is supposed to do.

Otherwise, swings seems to also work:

Kind regards,

I'm not a huge fan of doing farmer's carries with weights if you have actual yard work to do instead.

I usually get my 'farmer's carries' in by doing actual productive outdoor work that involves carrying / hauling / dragging stuff.

This provides not only exercise, but variety and purpose.
My yard work consists of occasionally pushing the lawn mower.

I generally don’t have much to carry.
I thought about getting one but haven't yet. It would be nice to be able to try it first before spending the money.

But, honestly, it takes about an hour as it is and it's not my favorite thing to be doing.

I use a Fiskars reel mower on about 1/2 acre of sloped grass.

It's a good workout.

Takes a few days to do the whole area.

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