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Old Forum Hardstyle Breathing for Long Cycle Clean and Jerk

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Level 6 Valued Member
I was re-reading the old Russian Kettlebell Challenge and was curious about Hardstyle breathing patterns for the Long Cycle Clean and Jerk. I am working on designing a strength based conditioning program entirely around Kettlebells at the moment.

My program involving it so far is 5x10 LCCJ and 2-3/10x snatches per arm both using the 16 KG kettlebell as I'm working on learning how to do these movements properly. This program is run concurrently with Simple and Sinister 3-4x/week as I've got it written.

A bit of background: I'm in the military (Army) and have found strength based approaches to physical fitness to be especially helpful in avoiding injury or recovering from it faster when they do occur. Most of my training has largely been barbell based (Power to the People and the Greyskull Linear Progression for the most part) but I've been using Simple and Sinister twice a week with good effect.

On the S&S front I'm currently working to get to entirely one arm swings (so far I'm doing a quarter of my swings with one arm, and progressing steadily to getting all 100 with one arm, currently I'm at between 6-7 minutes to finish my swings) and working 32KG getups into my getup routine.

For hardstyle LCCJ I've been exhalating for the clean, like the upswing of the swing, maybe inhale a bit before the jerk and exhale forcefully for the jerk. I'm curious if this is about right or is it one breath both clean and jerk?
Having worked on my own LCCJ program, I am not sure I could have just had one inhalation and expiration per rep. I tended to find that my power output was best when I followed this:

Hip thrust to propel the KB to the racked clean position - exhale

Sharp intake of breath when bell is in rack position.

Exhale when beginning the jerk movement

Sharp intake of breath when arm is licked-out in the jerk

Exhale on way down to rack position

Drop KB to seing back between legs for next clean - inhale

I am not sure that this would meet the approval of the wise people on this forum, though. I think I asked about breathing with LCCJ myself, and there doesn't seem to be a definitive pattern used (from what I recall). For context here's Sergey Rudnev teaching breathing for long cycle. Obviously if you aren't using the spinal shape and backswing he's using, you'll have to alter things, but I think for each breath asking "Is there a reason i'm doing it differently in this portion" is not a bad idea.
Generally speaking I would at least add an inhale during the active backswing.

This may also require asking yourself "why do i not have an active backswing?"
Inhale before the bell passes thru legs on hike, exhale on hip snap, quick inhale in rack, exhale on drive
So far so good, the first week in with it, using 35 lbs kettlebells (the gym at Camp Walker, ROK only has weights in pounds).

I've felt my heart hammering even doing 5x10. For progress my next plan is going to work up to 7-8x10 and eventually 10x10 LCCJ a la Simple and Sinister. Then with one set at a time advancing up to the 2x40 lbs bells we have at our gym.
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