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Old Forum Help with programing SF´s "best" exercises

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Hank Hansen

Level 1 Valued Member
The goal ist to increase my strength as much as possible in the zercher squat, kb swing, hollow pull-up and either the bench press or the parallel bar dip. Since my shoulders take dips very well, would it be preferred for maximum general strength gain?

I will be able to train 4-7 times per week for up to one hour per session. I won´t be able to gain much body weight right now, since my life is quite stressful and I won´t be able to get enough calories and sleep consistently. So programing should aim at wiry strength, like ES or PTTP do. I´m 38, 5´9", ca. 160 lbs.

Two things that I also want to incorporate into my training:

1) hand/wrist/forearm training. My wirst have the size of those of an average 7 year old girl. Grip strength has always been a limiting factor on DL´s and swings. I own a few grippers, also adjustable ones, I would like to use them on the program if possible. I also have a pinch grip apparatus and Fat Gripz.

2) heavy partials or walkouts. This is one of the only things that has helped me advance my lifts without fail, using them to make the actual weight feel light in the full movement. I definitely want to incorporate this, at least on the zercher and the press.

Another thing is that I´m really bad at using programs that ask for holding back with the weight by using feel, e.g. RPE or EES-style programs. Planned PTTP-style cycles or working up to a certain rm works well for me.

I like doing a few bodyweight exercises every morning to get the blood flowing. Mostly (clapping) pushups, pullups and a few bw-squats. Perhaps I can keep doing this on my new program?

I recently bought "Hardstyle Abs" and am itching to use it in my training.

Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

Too many goals, especially for a stressful life and not enough calories or sleep.

Get used to staying away from pushing yourself hard at lifting if your life is already stressful and you don't get enough calories or sleep.

I've used the PTTP template with pullups added - press, pullup, deadlift in that order.  You could bench press, pullup, and kettlebell swing.  Warm up with heavy bench lockouts if you like, finish with abs and/or grip training.  2 sets of 5 for BP and PU as suggested in PTTP, roll dice for swings as suggested in ETK.

Lift five days in a row, take two days off, cycle as suggested in PTTP.

Thanks Steve. When I mean stressful life and not enough calories/sleep, I meant in order to gain muscle mass. The kind of calories/rest you needed if you were to do Starting Strengths, Hot Wheels by Summer, Russian Squat Routine, etc. I still get in 3000 cals and 7 hours of sleep. Training is like my meditation, I lock myself in for an hour and lift away ;)

I did PTTP in the past, also with added pullups. I just want to do something different, that´s why I asked how I could program the exercises that Pavel described as "best" in the SF blog. And wether it would be possible/advisable to add some Hardstyle Abs and gripper work. And where supramaximal holds could be used in a program like that.

I was thinking perhaps something along the lines of the 5x5x5 routine from BB ....
Pick something from Hard Style Abs, etc., and just do.  I don't do direct ab work much, perhaps 50% of the time, perhaps even less.   Over the years, I have found the ab wheel to be a good choice for me, also the hanging leg raise.  Those are my two main choices.  I've done the Full Contact Twist  but not in the last several years.

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