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Old Forum Help with PTTP Please

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Level 4 Valued Member
Hi all. Sorry for long post. I've reached a point where I need help with PTTP.

Quick history: Did crossfit then Starting Strength 3 years ago. Max DL 315 x 5, press 135x3x5. BW 220. Age 29.

Done 2+ years of KB work, mostly folowing PM, ROP or DMPM. Lost weight, current BW 185. Age 32.

Acquired barbell and played with various lifts for about 6 weeks, including 50/20 program, then started PTTP doing barbell deadlifts and barbell military press, using 5, 3, 2 at same weight. I recently added chins between press sets, these are super easy.


PTTP summary so far:

145 (too easy)



230 (not easy but not hard)


125 (hard)
115 (easy)
125 (not as hard), 10x5 70lbs

130 (+ 1,2,3 pullups)
135 x 4, 3, 2 (+ 1,2,3 chins)  This was a big PR, previous best press was 60kg at 100kg BW

135 x 3x3 (+ 1,2,3 chins)
140 x 3x3 (+ 1,2,3 chins)  ...this was today.


My problem is the press. I've PR'd with 135 for 4, 3, 2. Then started the next week again at 135 and only got 3x3.

I tried  to push through today after lots of food with 140, but again got 3x3 and the last rep was a grind and a half.

How do I progress?

I probably should drop the load back but I really don't want to go below 135 again as its always been such a barrier for me!!

Could I stick to 3x3 for a while and start eating more?

Or do I have to drop the load some?

Could I take it much easier on deadlifts and concentrate on progressing the press?

I have no means to bench or floor press safely at home otherwise I'd switch or alternate.

I have a 24kg kb that I can press for many reps, and will have a 32kg (on order) by next week.


Any help appreciated, thanks.

Excellent progress, but it looks to me like you're starting to get a little bit greedy with the numbers.  I know, I do it ALL the time.  Constantly pushing is something I have to work on not doing, and I'm stronger for it now.

I'm sure you'll hear a lot of excellent ideas.  If it were me, I would either cycle back to something like 115 on the military press and build back up.  Maybe even back to 105.  I guess it would depend on how long you've been doing PTTP.  Did you outline all of your work, or just the most recent stuff?

If I had been doing PTTP for a while, then I would move to the ROP with the 24kg (since you've got it).  The volume in that program could do wonders for your barbell MP.  Especially when you can start doing ROP with the 32kg, which might not be super far away.
Luke, back off after a peak.

In the DL, unless you are following the "even easier strength" format, you have no business going below 225.
You have press alternatives, e.g., the barbell side press as shown in PTTP.

If you've been doing DL then press, switch the order - I think most people do better this way.

When your deadlift goes up, often other things do as well.  Consider trying to push your DL 1RM up and be sure to test your 1RM from time to time - instead of 5, 3, 2, one day just do some warmup DL's and then keep taking singles on long rests (at least 5 min), increasing by about 15 lbs per single, e.g., 5 x 135, rest 5:00 or longer, 1 x 185, rest again, 1 x 200, rest again, 1 x 215,  etc.  The 15 lb. increment isn't written in stone - use your judgement but remember it's not a workout, it's test day and the singles on the way up are just a way to get to your new maximum.  Take extra rest days both before and after test day.


I'd recommend backing off and following a "same but different" approach. I'm assuming your military pressing with two arms, so switch to one, either with DB or KB. Since you've peaked around 140, drop down to a 55# bell and work up to a peak with one arm pressing. Then you can come back to the two-hand military press and see how you do.

When I switch to one arm pressing, I also up the volume with ladders.

And don't forget to eat.
Thank you Pavel.

you are right of course, I will have to drop back on the press and work up again.

I forgot to mention I had an inguinal hernia repair about 8 months ago which is why I am taking it very slowly on the deadlift. I still get some scar tissue tweaks now and again so just taking it steady.

I was hoping a slightly Easy Strength approach would work. But I'll be sure to keep above 225!


I like the idea of testing deadlift max every now and again. Might try at the end of this week.

Ben I was thinking of doing PTTP deadlifts with ROP press ladders with the 32kg at some point. Assuming I can press the 32!


Training isn't performing a feat, it's training. Back off as instructed then surpass your current limit when you cycle back up.
Might I just ask how far should I back up now?


Back to 120 or 125 and make 5# jumps?


or right back to like 95 and make bigger jumps?
Hey Luke,

I haven't read the book recently, but my memory says you want your cycles to be around 8 to 10 sessions (someone correct me if I'm wrong, please).  8 sessions from 140 would be restarting at 100, so I bet if you started somewhere just above that you would be poised for a new breakthrough in the near future.

How many days a week are you training?  If you're doing 5x a week, I'd probably push back a little more, maybe all the way to 100, but if you are doing 3 to 4x a week, then perhaps just going back to 115 would be OK.

Play around with it and see how you feel, but don't push too hard against he sticking points.  I did that on my first wave of PTTP deadlifts and it definitely set me back for a little while.
Luke, you definitely need to clear your training with your doc.  Very likely ES is the right call for you.
Thanks Pavel, doc cleared me 4 weeks post op (in May). Told me to build up slowly but fine to lift same/more than before.


Is it possible to 'Easy Strength' the deadlift, but PTTP for press?


Brian, I've been training 5x week. I think I'll drop back slightly to finish this cycle, then restart the next one light.
Some great news is that my 32kg kettlebell arrived today.


Right out of the box I pressed it with both arms!

No way I'd have been able to do that a few weeks ago.


Back in its box until my birthday now though.
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