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Old Forum Hitting the road, need advice on programming

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Level 8 Valued Member
Hey SF people, it's looking like I will have 2-3 months of remote work + camping in the great outdoors coming up. I've wanted to do this for a long time and finally have the resources + flexibility. I can take equipment, but will be driving my fairly small car so weight and space are a consideration.

I have met the Simple goals from S&S, and push pressed the 40kg bell so I am in fairly good shape. I will be doing some hiking and swimming, but nothing particularly intense. I'd like to continue training ~3 days a week. My first instinct is to take the 32kg bell along with me and continue S&S, but I wonder if doing some pressing ladders instead of TGUs might be workable. Since I met the simple goals I've been working on barbell lifts with good results, so I don't have any goals in mind other than maintaining my fitness and perhaps making some progress towards that half bodyweight press.

Any advice on that or other ideas would be appreciated.
What's your half bodyweight bell?

Regarding the 24 or 32kg, I'd choose the 32kg if you like to go heavy or the 24kg if you like longer sets of ballistics.

Personally,  I would think the 32kg would be ideal.  The amount an average strong male can do with a single 32kg is endless.

Push: Getups, Press Ladders, Jerks, bottom up press, Military Press, push press, Bent Press, One arm bench
Pull: High Pulls, Rows, Snatches, Weighted Pullups
Squat: One arm Front Squat, Pistols, Goblet Squats, Overhead Squats, Lunges
Hinge: Single Leg Deadlift, Swings, Power Swings,  Snatches
Carry: Overhead Walk, Racked Walk, Bottom up walk, Farmer Walk

The Moving Target Complex
Pavel's Force Recon Workout
Pavel's Rite of Passage with some squats thrown in between ladders
Jon Engum's Deep Six (If done every day, I'd vary the amount of techniques included each day)
David Whitley's Furnace ( if done every day, I'd choose a different grind and ballistic each day)
Free-Style Circuits with 5 lifts selected from above
(EDT) Charles Staley's Escalating Density Training
Thanks for the ideas, will follow up on them.

My half-bodyweight bell is 40kg. Yeah, I'm leaning heavily towards something with the the 32kg. While I won't be busting out any high-rep snatch sets with it, I can press it for 5 reps any day.
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