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Bodyweight How should I add paused pullups / hangs to my training?


Level 7 Valued Member
G'day all, after some opinions on how the "best way" to add some paused rep pullups and /or hangs in top or bottom position to my training.

I'm currently following a program of C+P 3 days a week (MHL) which I finish each day with easy strength style pullups: either 2x5, 3x3, 3x5 etc. I've just got a dip belt but found that even with a small amount of weight on it I can't knock out more than around 2-3 reps with a great lockout at the top position. @Karen Smith has this great article (How to Progress Yourself to Your First Pull-up | StrongFirst) which talks about adding hangs even if you can do pullups, but doesn't really mention programming.

This week I did all reps with a 1 second pause in the top position @Body weight, but I'm curious if a better way would be to say, have a "hang day" and just do them instead of pullups.

The C+P is still the main goal, but i like doing pullups and have made steady progress through my current approach, just wondering if there is a smarter way to cross this bridge to weighted reps.

Why not just add a tad of weight for the singles easy strength option?
Hadn't even considered that, thank you Mark. That's actually a great idea since the other rep ranges have worked so well. Would you suggest it on any particular day (HML) or just go by feel?
Following Steve Maxwell's advice, I have been using slow pull ups: four seconds up - two seconds in the top position hold - four seconds down - two sends at the bottom. A total of 12 seconds each pull up.
Sets of 1, 2,... 3 on a good day. On the one hand, big time under tension, they are hard. On the other hand, less changes of position or turnovers for the elbow joints.
Dan John recommends hanging for 30 seconds, then do a pullup, then without letting go of the bar, hang for another 30 seconds and do a pullup etc. 3 or 4 of these are tough…
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