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Old Forum How to proceed with S&S, biggest KB at my gym is 50lb?

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Level 4 Valued Member
Need a little help on the best way to proceed. Been doing S&S about 2 months, I'm using a 50 for swings and get-ups and I'm ready to up the weight in swings again but the gym I'm at doesn't have anything bigger so do I :

A : Stick with one KB and do two hand swings and pause (hold) at the top like in the Sinister part of the book ?  Or just add more sets with single swings. (I'm doing all 10 sets one handed right now)

B : Drop the weight and sets back to five and do dual KB swings and work my way back up ?
I can sympathize that KB availability can be an issue for some folks, particularly road dogs like myself.  If getting your own KB is out of the question at the moment for whatever reason, I'd recommend a product on the Rogue Fitness site under the kettlebell section called "The Kettle Clamp."  It's essentially an eight pound KB handle with a screwing section that turns pretty much any dumbell (the gym has those, I'm willing to bet) into a field-expedient kettlebell.

Admittedly pricey at $200 last time I checked, it can be worth its weight in gold and sweat for dudes following S&S and constantly on the move with a need to travel light.
If I were in your position and it wasn't possible to use a 32kg kettlebell  I would consider a different program, such as the Rite of Passage
One alternative to buying the rogue handle is to make your own. Good link here:

Obviously, not the same design as a KB handle, but can approximate the effect. Would not want to do one hand swings with it though. Or get ups.
Ryan Pitts at makes a great swing bar that can be loaded with weights.  Its an investment but it will last forever and you can take it to the gym and load it up all you want.

Until you can find a heavier bell here are some ideas that may help.

*Learn to Generate More Power with Each Rep
This applies to both the swing and the hike phase.

* Learn to Generate More Tension at the top of each rep
Most people can learn squeeze more out their lats, abs and glutes at the top of each rep.

*Switch to Dead-Stop Swings
This means setting the bell down after each rep. Stay in the hike position and start each consecutive rep from the dead-stop. This takes a bit longer and is harder in a different way because you can’t use momentum to start the next rep.

*Use a jump-stretch band to add resistance to the bell.
For Use with Two-Handed Swings Only!
DO NOT ATTEMPT with 1-handed swings!

*Spiked Swings
If you have a willing partner available, have them spike your bell from the top position on each rep.

Hope this helps.
John Scott Stevens, SFGII, SFB, SFL
Do talk to the gym, if you haven't. You may prompt them to expand the collection. Or if not, when the next person brings it up, the likelihood will increase.
So you guys dont think the dual KB swing would be better until I get a couple more KB's ordered ?
I don't see how any sort of adjustable kettlebell or any sort of plate loading handle is going to help you with S&S no good for one arm swings, no good for getups.


If you're in the US you can buy Rogue kettlebells for a great price - or sometimes perform better have no shipping offers. Valery Fedorenko is currently selling off a load of new old stock WKC bells with free shipping. Have a look on their website or facebook.

You could even go to Walmart and buy a cheap bell that will be better than any adjustable handle.

If your only option is your gym and they don't have heavier kettlebells, then train with barbells for a while and get strong, then get your own KB when you can.



Whatever you do, do not try and pause or hold a kettlebell at the top of a swing ...maybe re-read that part of the book!
Make a T-handle the the link Andy posted.  I have swung 175 lbs on it many times no problem.  Do your get ups with heavy dumbbells.  :)


Double swings are not the same as single-hand swings. That said, you're in a pinch. Do one set of double swings x 10, 10 snatches right, 10 snatches left, for a total of 90-120. Then do your get ups with a heavy dumbbell.  Care for your hands daily ...

You are, however, eventually going to have get heavier bells.
Double swings aren't the same as a single heavier swing, but let's examine how they're different.  You will spend more energy on keeping the bells moving the same.  Your stance will necessarily be a wider.  Are those things show-stoppers?  I don't think so.  How about you simply do the best, most explosive single-arm swings you can for most of your volume and start adding in some double swings?  See what you find to be the differences.

Also keep in mind that S & S isn't the only program you can do.  You might decide to switch to a different program and, per the book, keep a couple of day each week for S & S with the weight you've got available.  E.g., there was a good blog post here a few weeks ago about using the snatch as the focus on your training, or perhaps a barbell strength program...  It would help to know anything specific about your goals to know what might best advance you towards them.

Why pay a gym membership to do S&S?  Quit the gym,  buy  the bells you need,  get your workout done in the time it would have taken you to get to the gym and back, and be money ahead in six months.

Just sayin',



Thanks for the reply Steve short term goal get to 32kg on my Swings and Get-Ups. Long term start the SFG template and get my SFG certificate.
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