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Old Forum Improving Plank time

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Level 1 Valued Member
What is an effective way of improving plank time?

Daily? GTG? The high tension planks? Increase duration for one or increase repetitions at a lower duration?

Thanks in advance.

- Bill
Why do you need to improve your plank time?

I'd say do standing rollouts or front levers (or progressions thereof) and then sit in a plank for one or two sets as long as possible. When you get bored, try one arm planks instead.

Alternatively, set a timer for 5 minutes and hold a plank for as much of that time as possible (again, after strength work that will have carryover).
Bill, I would not bother.  Let swings and get-ups develop your midsection endurance and work planks for strength—10-15sec.
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