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Old Forum In a rut, need advice

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In a a bit of a rut program wise, and am in need of advice. I am about to start training in BJJ and Muay Tai and I don't have a lot of time to train except for maybe 30 min in the morning or 3 days a week once I'm back from work. As far as my goals, I know I need to be in great shape and really strong at the same time and I've been think mostly about altering 2 week blocks of S&S and PTTP cycle with the Bent Press and Get Up with Barbells .

At the same time I just think about picking one of Nuepert's routines from Kettlebell express or Kettlebell Muscle, but I have not done anything from his books yet because I just got them.

I've never really done ab work either because I have always squatted and deadlifted, but I got both of pavels books about abs and wanted to know if I need to incorporate them somewhere in training as well? All I know is less is more.

Any advice would be great even if different from the above.

Less is more. You've got a bit too much going on there. I would pick one thing to start, do that for a while, then reevaluate and move to the next thing. If you're just about to start muay thai AND BJJ at the same time, you already have quite a lot on your plate. You might do well to do nothing but that for the first month, and focus on recovery in between sessions, then start adding in outside training.
I agree with Jason on this one, you need your rest in between to recover.
However, adding ab work to your training is in my opinion always a smart move.
A stronger core is good for everything, especially bjj.
I have bought also Pavels "Bulletproof abs", and I would recommend to incorporate about 15 min of ab work. If you do a couple full contact twists, suitcase deathlifts and work up to dragon flags (start with the basics first) I am sure you will see good progression in no time, for both your core strength and benifits for bjj.

Good luck
Thanks guys for your feedback. I can tell you I have tried and studied a lot of methodologies regarding S&C and the advice given in this forum and pavels wisdom have done more for me in six months than all the years before. By far.

Really appreciate the advice guys thanks.

Rob, do you recommend putting  the twists and suitcases together or in blocks?
What I do is blocks of three times 5 reps full contact twists, then three times 5 reps suitcase and finally three times 3 reps of dragon flag negatives (still working for more reps and full dragon in progress)
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