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Recommendations/Reviews/FS/WTB John Du Cane on Lebe Starks podcast

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The Architect Of the Modern Kettlebell Renaissance | w/ John Du Cane - (Episode #36)

Gregory and John talks about how him and Pavel got to know eachother and created the Kettlebell Renaissance in the west. John also goes in to what caused the split between RKC and SF.

I thought it was a great episode. John seems like a nice dude and he endorses Pavel in many ways. Seems legit.

I watched the shorter outtake about the schism and thought it seemed like a fair take, a difference of opinion in marketing and business direction.

Of course, I'm completely on the outside and know little to nothing.
The Architect Of the Modern Kettlebell Renaissance | w/ John Du Cane - (Episode #36)

Gregory and John talks about how him and Pavel got to know eachother and created the Kettlebell Renaissance in the west. John also goes in to what caused the split between RKC and SF.

I thought it was a great episode. John seems like a nice dude and he endorses Pavel in many ways. Seems legit.
I like catching Gregory's interviews. He does a pretty good job talking with people, makes interesting listening! This one wasn't any different - good listen.
I can't remember the last time I was on dragon doors website. I have nothing against it at all, but when Pavel left I followed. I did find dd a little to commercially as they seemed to always be selling something. Great content there though. I just might have to go down memory lane.
Speaking of KB history...

My first set of competition KBs were Valery Fedorenko competition KBs with the flat spots for the wrist and the VF logo. They were all black, no color, unlike other comp bells. So I spray painted a few.

I still have them as my 'beater bells'.
Speaking of KB history...

My first set of competition KBs were Valery Fedorenko competition KBs with the flat spots for the wrist and the VF logo. They were all black, no color, unlike other comp bells. So I spray painted a few.

I still have them as my 'beater bells'.
I still have and use the first two Dragondoor kettlebells I purchased in 2001!

I didn't meet a kettlebell until 2013, so that was after the split. Nice to hear this relatively benign description of it (and is accurate to my knowledge about it, which admittedly is not much). The one comment I would make relative to Mr. Du Cane's comments is a bit of surprise in his perception that RKC still markets/orients to women and that he sees StrongFirst as different in that regard. I have found that StrongFirst markets/orients to women to a significant and appropriate degree -- which is to say, just as much as men. This forum notwithstanding (as it is definitely, for some reason, more skewed to men... but I think that's more of a forum thing than an organizational thing), everything I've experienced with StrongFirst events in person are about equal in gender, both in instructors and attendees. Leadership within the organization is also about an equal split. As for the training and content, I found it very refreshing that in most cases, it does not matter what gender you are. Effective strength training is effective strength training. I think Pavel always makes that point very well with his teaching and writing.
I didn't meet a kettlebell until 2013, so that was after the split. Nice to hear this relatively benign description of it (and is accurate to my knowledge about it, which admittedly is not much). The one comment I would make relative to Mr. Du Cane's comments is a bit of surprise in his perception that RKC still markets/orients to women and that he sees StrongFirst as different in that regard. I have found that StrongFirst markets/orients to women to a significant and appropriate degree -- which is to say, just as much as men. This forum notwithstanding (as it is definitely, for some reason, more skewed to men... but I think that's more of a forum thing than an organizational thing), everything I've experienced with StrongFirst events in person are about equal in gender, both in instructors and attendees. Leadership within the organization is also about an equal split. As for the training and content, I found it very refreshing that in most cases, it does not matter what gender you are. Effective strength training is effective strength training. I think Pavel always makes that point very well with his teaching and writing.

I dont remember exactly what John said in the interview - and Im not putting words in his mouth, but what he might have meant was:

1) Tacticool. The use of military-eusqe clothing (cargo pants, 5.11) and rankings (cheif, master etc.) might (my guess) be off-putting to some woman compare to men who often is more involved in this.

2) The soviet hardman stuff hasn't aged well and some of his writings are showing signs of misogyni / homophobia. See EtK for reference were he use the words of "sissy". A derogatory name for someone, especially a man or boy, who seems weak or cowardly, or who acts in a stereotypically feminine way.

3) The whole racism stuff that happened in 2020 where a lot of instructors (female and male, but following the whole thing on Facebook an reddit it became obvious that many females found that the act of StrongFirst statement or lack of there of ) resigned from StrongFirst.

I could of course be way off, but as a response to your surprise when you listened to the episode, this is what first came to mind.
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I liked and still like Dragondoor. There’s a nostalgia to their stuff. I mean I was literally hitting Dragondoor on dial up and getting ideas and inspiration.
Yep! Nothing wrong with Dragondoor. I was a StrongFirst and RKC certified Kettlebell Instructor from 2015-2021/2022.

And almost all of my kettlebells (pairs of 12kg, 14kg, 16kg, 18kg, 20kg, 22kg, 24kg, 26kg, 28kg & singles of 30kg, 32kg & 36kg) are Dragondoor!

They're still my favorite kettlebells (I also have Kettlebell Kings, Rep Fitness, Kettlebells USA, Art of Strength/Punch, and Rogue). But I may pick up a few StrongFirst kettlebells if they go on sale. ;)
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2) The soviet hardman stuff hasn't aged well and some of his writings are misogyni, / homophobia. See EtK for reference were he use the words of "sissy". A derogatory name for someone, especially a man or boy, who seems weak or cowardly, or who acts in a stereotypically feminine way.

3) The whole racism stuff that happened in 2020 where a lot of instructors (female and male, but following the whole thing on Facebook an reddit it became obvious that many females found that the act of StrongFirst statement or lack of there of ) resigned from StrongFirst.
2.) Anyone who is offended by such things should get a life and go elsewhere.

I'm sick and tired of all the political correctness BS, Cancel Culture, Social Justice Warriors, and WOKENESS!

People need to stop with the "I'm offended" about everything crap! They are sissies!

3.) See above.
2.) Anyone who is offended by such things should get a life and go elsewhere.

I'm sick and tired of all the political correctness BS, Cancel Culture, Social Justice Warriors, and WOKENESS!

People need to stop with the "I'm offended" about everything crap! They are sissies!

3.) See above.
So, Im not saying that Im offended. I was giving some examples of what John might have meant. But again, I could be wrong and this is a wild guess and not his words.
So, Im not saying that Im offended. I was giving some examples of what John might have meant. But again, I could be wrong and this is a wild guess and not his words.
Oh, I got what you were saying. I knew it wasn't you.

I did see some of this going on in 2020 as there were a small group of vocal SFG's (in the private Instructor FB group) complaining that StrongFirst needed to publicly address how they supported BLM (and other things going on at the time).

They literally wanted StrongFirst to come out and publicly say they support Black Lives Matter.

First, there is ZERO reason StrongFirst needed to say anything.

Second, StrongFirst is for everyone (strength knows no race, religion, political beliefs, sexual orientation, etc.).

Third, you NEVER cower to the mob or the vocal minority.

Needless to say, I absolutely disagreed with those vocal SFG's, and someone (Admin) kicked me out of the FB group. That put a sour taste in my mouth about StrongFirst at the time. Luckily, Pavel didn't cave to them.

Our world has only become worse since then. People get offended over trivial things that don't matter, and then they pressure people and businesses (like StrongFirst) to change what they're doing or say something publicly about it.

HELL NO! I don't play that game. I offend everyone. :D
1) Tacticool. The use of military-eusqe clothing (cargo pants, 5.11) and rankings (cheif, master etc.) might (my guess) be off-putting to some woman compare to men who often is more involved in this.
Could be, yes... And I was military myself for 20 years, so it never bothered me. If anything, I felt it to be... familiar.

2) The soviet hardman stuff hasn't aged well and some of his writings are showing signs of misogyni / homophobia. See EtK for reference were he use the words of "sissy". A derogatory name for someone, especially a man or boy, who seems weak or cowardly, or who acts in a stereotypically feminine way.
Most of that seemed to be from the DD era. If anything it has faded with time.

"Sissy" seems to me to be both a harmless and useful term to get someone (man or woman) to "man up". Too bad our society wants to throw out the good with the bad! Oh well. But I see that times are changing in how things are received and perceived, and I think Pavel and the StrongFirst organization do too. I don't hear it much anymore.

3) The whole racism stuff that happened in 2020 where a lot of instructors (female and male, but following the whole thing on Facebook an reddit it became obvious that many females found that the act of StrongFirst statement or lack of there of ) resigned from StrongFirst.
The pressure to make a statement in support of BLM specifically was misplaced, I think; although the desire for support and being a force for good regarding what is/was going on in society was not misplaced. Unfortunately in some views there wasn't a way to provide the desired support without making the specific statement. Hated to lose some good people over it. Hopefully the actual evidence of lack of racism will bear itself out over time.
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